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Missing Simulator in Xcode 8.3.2 after installing Xcode 9.0 Beta


I am using Xcode 8.3.2 for iOS Application Development. I have just installed Xcode 9.0 Beta and suddenly I found that My old simulators are missing from my Xcode 8.3.2.

This issue occurred after installing Xcode 9.0 Beta.

See Pictures Below.

1. Xcode 8.3.2.

enter image description here

2. Xcode 9.0 Beta.

enter image description here

I go through links below but none of them is helpful.

  1. Xcode Simulators Missing After Installing Beta?
  2. There is no simulator in my xcode 5 after I install xcode 6 beta

So please help me for this.

like image 925
DJ1 Avatar asked Jun 20 '17 09:06


People also ask

How do I bring up the simulator in Xcode?

The basic way to open a list of simulators is to use Xcode -> Window -> Devices and Simulators. Here you can create and manage all available simulators.

How do I change generic iOS device to simulator Xcode?

Open Xcode, Goto Preferences, Select Component. Click on Simulators of your choice then it will start the process of download & installing the simulators.

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For iOS, tvOS, and watchOS apps, you can choose a simulated device, under [Platform] Simulators, from the run destination menu next to the scheme menu in the toolbar. To add additional simulators of a product family running older versions of the operating system, choose Add Additional Simulators.

1 Answers

You can select Xcode > Open Developer Tool > Simulator and after simulator simulator loads, restart and then you will get whole list back.

Open Simulator Manually

Note : You can not work on both Xcode with all simulator same time. You have to close one Xcode with it's simulator then you can work on another.

Restart Xcode after loading of simulator

Restart Xcode after simulator loading process is done. You will get whole list of Simulators.

like image 71
Ashish Kakkad Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 15:09

Ashish Kakkad