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Missing blame information for the following files SonarQube Error



I couldnt run my maven project in sonarqube using command mvn sonar:sonar. It results with the error : Missing blame information for the following files. But a normal helloworld program run successfully and it got added in the projects tab of sonarqubes.

Kindly help me to sort out this error.

like image 651
Thamodharan Avatar asked May 22 '17 09:05


2 Answers

If you have no commited file, you can't run command mvn sonar:sonar. You need commit any change into your branch and after run mvn sonar:sonar. This fix me.

like image 111
MxWild Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 08:10


I was also running a maven sonar:sonar command from eclipse neon (jboss developer studio) and also saw this warning in the logs of the console.

I had files that were changed locally but I didn't commit or push them to the git repo. I pushed all files to the origin and the warning disappeared.

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onderbewustzijn Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 08:10
