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Missing: Add solution to source control

I have successfully installed and connected to my Team Foundation 2012 server. But I am unable to add my solution to it, Im missing it when I right click on the solution, see image below.

Missing Add solution to source control

If I try to create a new solution, I can add it to my source control.

Long time ago, I had the code on a Team Foundation server 2010, but when the trial ended I had to stop using that source control. Not sure if that has something to do with this tho.

like image 728
Jimmy Mattsson Avatar asked Jan 09 '13 12:01

Jimmy Mattsson

People also ask

How do you add a solution to Source Control?

To add projects to source control Open the solution in Visual Studio 2010. In the Solution Explorer window, right-click the solution, and then click Add Solution to Source Control.

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Right-click the solution in the Solution Explorer and select Add Solution to Source Control, or select File | Source Control | Add Solution to Source Control. If you are connected to Dimensions, you can also right-click the connection in the Serena Explorer or right-click a favorite project.

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From the main menu, Tools -> Options and then navigate to. Under the Plug-in Selection, you will find it is already set to “None. From the plug-in selection drop-down, you can choose either Git or Visual Studio Team Foundation Server. Visual Studio will enable the plugin for the specific source control accordingly.

1 Answers

This happen when the project had already a previous binding. Just do:

File->Source Control->Advanced->Change Source Control

You should see your project with Invalid Binding.

Do Unbind of the project, now you'll see again the "Add Project To Source Control"

like image 159
Robert Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 07:10
