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VS2012 - XDesProc hangs when Xaml file is opened

In VS2012 whenever I try to open a xaml file (even in full XAML view) the XDesProc process keeps spinning and hangs visual studio. I tried killing it but it respawns.

I did some search online and found that people were complaining about this in the RC release. I am not using an RC release still I see this problem.

Is there a way to fix it?

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Rishabh Avatar asked Nov 30 '12 22:11


2 Answers

A lot of people are complaining about this (including my self).

Here is a work around for getting rid of the XDesProc and for speeding up XAML viewing performance: http://weblogs.asp.net/fmarguerie/archive/2009/01/29/life-changer-xaml-tip-for-visual-studio.aspx

This will disable the designer in VS2012.

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Michael Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 00:11


With my Visual Studio 2012.4, and 2gb of RAM used by XDeskProc, I resolve the problem by turning off the data loading in View Model’s constructor if in design mode. Loading the ItemsSources of my many Comboboxes just bogged down the designer

If DesignerProperties.GetIsInDesignMode(New DependencyObject) Then ‘ Do nothing Else ‘ Do something End If

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Peter.S Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 00:11
