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MiniProfiler with EF "model first" edmx model

I'm trying to get MiniProfiler to profile my database access but I'm running into problems. All the help I see out there seems to be for "code first" entity framework connections. My model was designed before the code first update was available this year and I used the designer to create the edmx model. (I've been using this for almost a year and it seems to be working for me)

The example on the MiniProfiler documentation site doesn't make sense to me. I've tried a few variations of it but I'm having problems.

My Model is called CYEntities, normally to instantiate an ObjectContext I just do this var context = new CYEntities() here's what I've tried for the profiler...

var dbConnection = new CYEntities().Connection;
var profiledConnection = ProfiledDbConnection.Get(dbConnection);
var context = profiledConnection.CreateObjectContext<CYEntities>(); // this is the context I'd finally use to access data. 

This throws an exception...

System.ArgumentException: Unable to find the requested .Net Framework Data Provider. It may not be installed.

I'm not sure where to go from here.

like image 374
BZink Avatar asked Jul 23 '11 19:07


1 Answers

Try like this:

var connectionString = ConfigurationManager
var ecsb = new EntityConnectionStringBuilder(connectionString);
var sqlConn = new SqlConnection(ecsb.ProviderConnectionString);
var pConn = ProfiledDbConnection.Get(sqlConn, MiniProfiler.Current);
var context = ObjectContextUtils.CreateObjectContext<CYEntities>(pConn);
like image 166
Darin Dimitrov Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 00:10

Darin Dimitrov