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min-height: auto not working in Opera




I have noticed that min-height is not working in Opera. I am trying something like this:

<div class="content"><div>
<div class="content newstyle"><div>

And my CSS code is:

.content {
    min-height: 600px;
.newstyle {
    min-height: auto;

And Opera just acts like min-height didn't exist.
If I apply any other style in .newstyle, like background or whatever, then it works well. But min-height: auto seems not to work...

Any idea?

like image 480
Alvaro Avatar asked Oct 25 '12 14:10


1 Answers

CSS2.1 defines the initial value of min-height to be 0, not auto. The value auto never existed in CSS2.1, so it is invalid in CSS2.1. Just use min-height: 0 instead:

.content {
    min-height: 600px;
.newstyle {
    min-height: 0;
like image 190
BoltClock Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 16:10
