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background gradients in IE7 with CSS

I am using the following bit of CSS to create a linear background gradient. It seems to work just fine in IE8/9, FF, Safari and chrome but not in IE7. IE7 shows a solid (green) background. Here is my code

.menu_body a {
  background: #008800;
  /* Mozilla: */
  background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #0b71a4, #025f8e);
  /* Chrome, Safari:*/
  background: -webkit-gradient(linear,
            left top, left bottom, from(#0b71a4), to(#025f8e));
  /* MSIE */
  filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Gradient(
            StartColorStr='#0b71a4', EndColorStr='#025f8e', GradientType=0);
  padding: 1px 18px;
like image 855
FungyBytes Avatar asked Aug 31 '11 12:08


People also ask

How do I change the background gradient in CSS?

The linear-gradient() function sets a linear gradient as the background image. To create a linear gradient you must define at least two color stops. Color stops are the colors you want to render smooth transitions among. You can also set a starting point and a direction (or an angle) along with the gradient effect.

Can you do gradients in CSS?

CSS defines three types of gradients: Linear Gradients (goes down/up/left/right/diagonally) Radial Gradients (defined by their center) Conic Gradients (rotated around a center point)

Which CSS property is used to create gradient background colors?

linear-gradient() The linear-gradient() CSS function creates an image consisting of a progressive transition between two or more colors along a straight line.

2 Answers

In IE<=7, filters won't work unless element has layout.

zoom: 1;

Be aware that it can break other things, so old good background-image might be safe and reliable solution.

Also please note that your CSS lacks gradient properties for Opera, IE10 and updated syntax for Webkit.

like image 88
duri Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 22:09


The correct syntax is:

filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient
(startColorstr=#550000FF, endColorstr=#55FFFF00)

This is supported by IE4>

See the MSDN source here.

like image 23
Kyle Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 22:09
