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Microsoft replacement of SQL Server CE

Why is SQL Server CE deprecated and what is (or will be) Microsoft replacement for portable database? LocalDB requires local .msi installation, and SQlite requires 3rd-party bindings to ADO.NET. Working in Visual Studio, I would prefer Microsoft solution. Given the growing importance of portable database, I am intrigued why SQL Server CE was dropped with no committed replacement by Microsoft.

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KMC Avatar asked Sep 14 '16 10:09


1 Answers

This is why we do not use second and third tier software libraries, packages, utilities, databases from major companies.

The second and third tier ones get abandoned faster for the reason that they never produce enough revenue to justify the support cost for the vendor.

Lightswitch is one large example of how it was supposed to take of a critical business development area and failed to get traction.

Silverlight also.

Present day, marginal features of most cloud vendors fall into this category.

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JohnT Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 07:09
