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Microsoft C Compiler: Inline variable declaration?

I'm writing C in Visual Studio 2010. The compiler doesn't seem to want to let me use inline variable declarations. The following code produces an error:

unsigned int fibonacci_iterative(unsigned int n) {
 if (n == 0) {
  return 0;
 if (n == 1) {
  return 1;

 unsigned int prev_prev = 0; // error
 unsigned int prev = 1; // error
 unsigned int next = 0; // error
 for (int term_number = 0; term_number < n; term_number++) {
  unsigned int temp = prev_prev + prev;
  prev = next;
  prev_prev = prev;
  next = temp;
 return next;


error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before 'type'

error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before 'type'

error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before 'type'

Why is this happening? Is there a setting to make the compiler not so strict?

like image 227
Nick Heiner Avatar asked Jan 31 '10 02:01

Nick Heiner

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1 Answers

Putting declarations after non-declarations isn't allowed in C89, although it is allowed in C++ and in C99 (MSVC still doesn't support C99, though).

In C89, you can achieve a similar effect by using a nested block:

unsigned int fibonacci_iterative(unsigned int n) {
    if (...) {

       unsigned int prev_prev = 0;
       unsigned int prev = 1;
       unsigned int next = 0;
like image 97
jamesdlin Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 07:09
