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Microsoft Access Text ODBC Driver on Windows 7

I created a Delphi application which utilizes an ODBC data source to access text files in csv format. The driver is the "Microsoft Access Text Driver". But when I deploy my application on a Windows 7 computer it does not work because this driver is not available (there are only two available in odbcad32: sql native client and sql server)

How can I install this driver? I have tried to install MDAC, but it doesn't do anything. No errors or anythinig, but it just shows a quick scroll bar and that is it. And I have heard that MDAC has been replaced by WDAC on Windows 7.

EDIT: I should add this is Windows 7 Home, not Professional.

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M Schenkel Avatar asked Dec 10 '22 18:12

M Schenkel

2 Answers

You have to run the ODBC Administrator from this location:


then you will see all the x32 drivers

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Mark Plumpton Avatar answered Dec 20 '22 20:12

Mark Plumpton

You might have to install the Microsoft Jet driver. I believe that Microsoft broke it out of MDAC awhile back, and it is no longer be installed by default.

EDIT After further research it appears that they have removed the text file drivers from the jet engine entirely. You can still use the Microsoft ODBC DB Provider for ODBC Drivers to access dBase and Excel files, but no longer text files.

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skamradt Avatar answered Dec 20 '22 21:12
