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Meteor RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded. on keypress event



Im trying to make a search box to filter down results of my returned collection in the client.

however when i actually try searching I'm getting the above error in the console.

RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded.

here is a look at my code.

 <header class="row-fluid">
  {{> modules}}

<div id="main" class="span11">
 {{#if currentUser}}

  {{> customers_list}}

  {{> contacts_list}}


my search form in inside the modules template

<template name="modules">
 {{templateLogger "modules"}}
  <ul id="module_list" class="nav">
 {{#each list}}
   <a href="#" id="module_{{_id}}" module_id="{{_id}}" class="module">{{name}}</a>
  <form><input type="text" id="search"></form>

and my customers_list template that I'm trying to filter the results

<template name="customers_list">
 <table class="table">

 {{#each record}}

and here is the event handler for the search form

 'keypress input#search': function (event) {
  Session.set("currentFilter", $('input#search'));

and the form helper do display the results

Template.customers_list.record = function() {
 qry = Session.get("currentFilter") || "";
 if (qry != "") {
  return Customers.find({$or: [ {'name': qry}, {'address': qry}, {'city': qry}, {'state': qry} ] });
 } else {
  return Customers.find({competitor: null}, {sort: {name: 1}});

I have no clue what the is causing this error from what i was able to read on other SO posts about the error it seems like its a infinite loop however those were not meteor specific questions and i don't know if that would make a difference? also if there is an infinite loop i cant find it.

any help would be grateful.

like image 719
Moshe Avatar asked Jun 25 '13 19:06


2 Answers

This error occurs when you pass large object as an argument to your method. For me for example the first Time I encountered this error, was when I passed a Meteor.Collection as an argument :s . I worked around that by passing the collection name as a String and then using eval() in the Methods to get the Collection on which proceed.

Conclusion: Always use strings, integers, small arrays or really small objects as arguments for methods called from your event handlers.

like image 198
svassr Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 22:11


Changing this:

 'keypress input#search': function (event) {
  Session.set("currentFilter", $('input#search'));

To This:

 'keyup input#search': function (event) {
  Session.set("currentFilter", $('input#search').val());

I believe you just need the .val() on the jquery dom reference of the input field. Additionally I would recommend using keyup for the event for something like this.

For getting the results out like you want you likely want to use a regular expression. Here's what I'm using in my app.

Template.hudlies.found = function() {
  var searchVal = Session.get("searchFilter");
    if (searchVal != "") {
      var searchResults = Hudlies.find({ name: { $regex: '^.*' + searchVal + '.*', $options: 'i' } });

  return searchResults;
like image 6
user2421382 Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 23:11
