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How to use URL parameters using Meteorjs

How can I use URL parameters with meteor.

The URL could look like this: http://my-meteor.example.com:3000?task_name=abcd1234

I want to use the 'task_name' (abcd1234) in the mongodb query in the meteor app.


Template.task_app.tasks = function () {
  return Tasks.find({task_name: task_name}); 


like image 739
kstieger Avatar asked Mar 01 '14 21:03


People also ask

How do you specify parameters in a URL?

Any word after the question mark (?) in a URL is considered to be a parameter which can hold values. The value for the corresponding parameter is given after the symbol "equals" (=). Multiple parameters can be passed through the URL by separating them with multiple "&".

How can I get parameters from a URL string?

The parameters from a URL string can be retrieved in PHP using parse_url() and parse_str() functions. Note: Page URL and the parameters are separated by the ? character. parse_url() Function: The parse_url() function is used to return the components of a URL by parsing it.

How do you use URL variables?

To add a URL variable to each link, go to the Advanced tab of the link editor. In the URL Variables field, you will enter a variable and value pair like so: variable=value. For example, let's say we are creating links for each store and manager.

Are URL parameters good for SEO?

URL parameters can potentially cause a lot of problems when it comes to your SEO. For example, they can create duplicate content, waste crawl budget, and dilute ranking signals.

1 Answers

You are probably going to want to use a router to take care of paths and rendering certain templates for different paths. The iron-router package is the best one available for that. If you aren't using it already I would highly recommend it.

Once you are using iron-router, getting the query strings and url parameters is made very simple. You can see the section of the documentation here: https://github.com/iron-meteor/iron-router/blob/devel/Guide.md#route-parameters

For the example you gave the route would look something like this:

Router.map(function () {
  this.route('home', {
    path: '/',
    template: 'task_app'
    data: function () {
      // the data function is an example where this.params is available

      // we can access params using this.params
      // see the below paths that would match this route
      var params = this.params;

      // we can access query string params using this.params.query
      var queryStringParams = this.params.query;

      // query params are added to the 'query' object on this.params.
      // given a browser path of: '/?task_name=abcd1234
      // this.params.query.task_name => 'abcd1234'
      return Tasks.findOne({task_name: this.params.query.task_name});


This would create a route which would render the 'task_app' template with a data context of the first task which matches the task name.

You can also access the url parameters and other route information from template helpers or other functions using Router.current() to get the current route. So for example in a helper you might use Router.current().params.query.task_name to get the current task name. Router.current() is a reactive elements so if it is used within the reactive computation the computation will re-run when any changes are made to the route.

like image 116
Dsyko Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 23:10
