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Meteor on Nitrous - Can't Get loginWithFacebook to work

UPDATE: When I deploy the app to meteor.com I do not get any of the same issues, so the problem is definitely related to the development environment and I suspect somehting to do with ROOT_URL and the way redirects are handled.

I am running Meteor on Nitrous.io.

I have installed the accounts-facebook package and have added the following to the server folder:

  service: "facebook"

  service: "facebook",
  appId: '31058319242*****',
  secret: '4f6c8a9b5aab235111e97*********',
  site_url: 'http://accounts-*****.apse2.nitrousbox.com/'

I have also changed the root url of my application at startup:

Meteor.startup(function () {
    Meteor.absoluteUrl.defaultOptions.rootUrl = "http://accounts-*****.apse2.nitrousbox.com/"

I have included the exact same url to my apps 'Basic' settings:

enter image description here

and 'Advanced' settings:

enter image description here

[obviously, the ***** is actually a string identifying my Nitrous 'box' - I have redacted it here]

However, when I try to authorise using facebook I get the following error:

Exception while invoking method 'login' Error: Failed to complete OAuth handshake with Facebook. failed [400] 
  "message":"Invalid redirect_uri: Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration.",

I have tried a number of different variations on these settings, but without success.

Has anyone else come across this issue? Help appreciated.

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Alex Webster Avatar asked Apr 07 '14 05:04

Alex Webster

2 Answers

The issue is ROOT_URL isn't set to box's URL. You will notice terminal output still says => App running at: http://localhost:3000/ when you start the app with meteor command.

Meteor.absoluteUrl is only a utility function (https://github.com/meteor/meteor/issues/858). You need to override the ROOT_URL environment variable when starting the app.

Try starting the app with ROOT_URL=http://accounts-*****.apse2.nitrousbox.com/ meteor. Then, Facebook auth process should work correctly.

like image 99
laktek Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 03:10


laktek's answer above is correct. I am adding this image to illustrate how the solution is achieved because it was not immediately obvious to me.

Omit the Meteor.absoluteUrl function and instead start meteor within the nitrous console as follows:

enter image description here

like image 1
Alex Webster Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 03:10

Alex Webster