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Metaclass which decorate all the class methods using two different decorator implementation

I have a problem with the implementation of a decorator applied at this metaclass decorator I wrote:

def decorateAll(decorator):
    class MetaClassDecorator(type):

        def __new__(meta, classname, supers, classdict):
            for name, elem in classdict.items():
                if type(elem) is FunctionType:
                    classdict[name] = decorator(classdict[name])
            return type.__new__(meta, classname, supers, classdict)
    return MetaClassDecorator

This is the class in which I have used the metaclass:

class Account(object, metaclass=decorateAll(Counter)):

    def __init__(self, initial_amount):
        self.amount = initial_amount

    def withdraw(self, towithdraw):
        self.amount -= towithdraw

    def deposit(self, todeposit):
        self.amount += todeposit

    def balance(self):
        return self.amount

Everything seems to work great when I pass to the decorator metaclass a decorator implemented like this:

def Counter(fun):
    fun.count = 0
    def wrapper(*args):
        fun.count += 1
        print("{0} Executed {1} times".format(fun.__name__, fun.count))
        return fun(*args)
    return wrapper

But when I use a decorator implemented in this way:

class Counter():

    def __init__(self, fun):
        self.fun = fun
        self.count = 0

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        print("args:", self, *args, **kwargs)
        self.count += 1
        print("{0} Executed {1} times".format(self.fun.__name__, self.count))
        return self.fun(*args, **kwargs)

I got this error:

line 32, in __call__
return self.fun(*args, **kwargs)
TypeError: __init__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'initial_amount'

Why? Using the two decorators implementation with others function doesn't show me problems. I think that the problem is tied to the fact that the methods to which I'm trying to decorate are class methods. Am I missing something?

like image 557
Nikaido Avatar asked Jan 22 '16 16:01


People also ask

What is the use of metaclass in Python?

A metaclass in Python is a class of a class that defines how a class behaves. A class is itself an instance of a metaclass. A class in Python defines how the instance of the class will behave. In order to understand metaclasses well, one needs to have prior experience working with Python classes.

What is the concept of a metaclass?

In object-oriented programming, a metaclass is a class whose instances are classes. Just as an ordinary class defines the behavior of certain objects, a metaclass defines the behavior of certain classes and their instances. Not all object-oriented programming languages support metaclasses.

How do you decorate a class in Python?

To decorate a method in a class, first use the '@' symbol followed by the name of the decorator function. A decorator is simply a function that takes a function as an argument and returns yet another function. Here, when we decorate, multiply_together with integer_check, the integer function gets called.

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In order to set metaclass of a class, we use the __metaclass__ attribute. Metaclasses are used at the time the class is defined, so setting it explicitly after the class definition has no effect.

1 Answers

You need to implement Counter as a callable descriptor. When __get__ is executed on the descriptor, you simulate binding the descriptor to the instance which is passed to it. Plus storing the count on a per method/object basis.

This code:

import collections
import functools
import types

def decorateAll(decorator):
    class MetaClassDecorator(type):

        def __new__(meta, classname, supers, classdict):
            for name, elem in classdict.items():
                if type(elem) is types.FunctionType:
                    classdict[name] = decorator(classdict[name])
            return type.__new__(meta, classname, supers, classdict)
    return MetaClassDecorator

class Counter(object):
    def __init__(self, fun):
        self.fun = fun
        self.cache = {None: self}
        self.count = collections.defaultdict(int)

    def __get__(self, obj, cls=None):
        if obj is None:
            return self

            return self.cache[obj]
        except KeyError:

        print('Binding {} and {}'.format(self.fun, obj))
        cex = self.cache[obj] = functools.partial(self.__call__, obj)
        return cex

    def __call__(self, obj, *args, **kwargs):
        print("args:", obj, *args, **kwargs)
        self.count[obj] += 1
        print("{0} Exec {1} times".format(self.fun.__name__, self.count[obj]))
        return self.fun(obj, *args, **kwargs)

class Account(object, metaclass=decorateAll(Counter)):

    def __init__(self, initial_amount):
        self.amount = initial_amount

    def withdraw(self, towithdraw):
        self.amount -= towithdraw

    def deposit(self, todeposit):
        self.amount += todeposit

    def balance(self):
        return self.amount

a = Account(33.5)


Produces the following output:

Binding <function Account.__init__ at 0x000002250BCD8B70> and <__main__.Account object at 0x000002250BCE8BE0>
args: <__main__.Account object at 0x000002250BCE8BE0> 33.5
__init__ Exec 1 times
Binding <function Account.balance at 0x000002250BCD8D90> and <__main__.Account object at 0x000002250BCE8BE0>
args: <__main__.Account object at 0x000002250BCE8BE0>
balance Exec 1 times

Which calls the __call__ method of the descriptor, stores the count on a per method by simulating a binding creating an object of type functools.partial.

like image 56
mementum Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 17:10
