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Messages sent with Gmail API get marked as suspicious when sending to Gmail addresses



Messages sent through the Gmail API to a Gmail address are getting tagged in Gmail with

Be careful with this message. It contains content that's typically used to steal personal information.

The message basically just says test. And the identical content message sent through Gmail SMTP doesn't get tagged with that warning.

It seems really strange that Gmail would mark messages that are coming through a Gmail owned API as suspicious but when they come through SMTP it does not warn about it.

like image 871
Paul Avatar asked Jul 05 '18 19:07


People also ask

Why is Gmail blocking my sent emails?

0": Messages are rejected because the sending server's IP address is not on the allowed list for the recipient's domain. 550, "5.7. 1": Messages are rejected because the sending server's IP address is on an IP suspended list. You might get this error if you're sending mail using a shared IP with a poor reputation.

How many emails can you send with Gmail API?

1,000,000,000 quota units per day for your application. 250 quota units per user per second, moving average (allows short bursts).

1 Answers

I was getting this as well. Simply removing the 'from' portion of the email solved it for me. If you are authenticated gmail figures that stuff out on its own.

like image 120
Matthew Reilly Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 17:09

Matthew Reilly