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Gmail API: Insufficient Permission


I am testing the Gmail API for my app.

I have tested some requests and they are working fine. For example get messages, get user history, get draft list etc..

Basically all the read only requests are working fine.

I have instead some issues related with permission with other requests, for example when i have to write or delete a draft.

This is the error i get:

(403) Insufficient Permission


This is the function to initialize the app:

public function gmail_init_service()
    $client = new Google_Client();

    $client->setApplicationName("Gmail API test");

    $service = new Google_Service_Gmail($client);

    return $service;

This is the request to delete one draft:

public function gmail_delete_draft()
    $service = $this->gmail_init_service();

    // --------------- Get draft list --------------

    $list = $service->users_drafts->listUsersDrafts('me');
    $draftList = $list->getDrafts();

    // --------------- Get draft IDs ---------------

    $inbox_draft = [];

    foreach($draftList as $mlist)
        $draftId = $mlist->id;
        $optParamsGet2['format'] = 'full';
        $single_message = $service->users_drafts->get('me', $draftId , $optParamsGet2);

        $inbox_draft[]['draftId'] = $draftId;
        $inbox_draft[]['draft'] = $single_message;

    // --------------- Delete draft ---------------

    $draft_delete = $service->users_drafts->delete('me', 'DRAFT_ID' );


I have tried to revoke the permission and setup new credentials. The scope declared when initializing the service is:


that as stated in the documentation grant full access to the account.

But i am still getting the same error. The same exact error for the following requests:

Delete draft - Create draft - Create label - Delete message


Why am i getting that error?
It has to do with same values store in a cache?
Or is related with permission of the API?

like image 628
FrancescoMussi Avatar asked Jun 05 '15 08:06


2 Answers

You need 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gmail.compose' to create a draft. So what happens if you


or if you want to get more formal

define('SCOPES', implode(' ', array(


or whatever the valid php might be (I haven't done php for a while).

Note that if you have a token already you might have to do some calisthenics to revoke it so you can reissue with the added permissions. That might mean deleting a file, perhaps named gmail.storage or, if you have access to the account login and make your way to https://security.google.com/settings/security/permissions the access permissions can be manually revoked.

This link might be relevant: https://developers.google.com/gmail/api/auth/scopes

And a meander through the source code might be enlightening.

You might be able to glean some insight from my battle with this same sort of thing under Python

like image 109
John Mee Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 07:10

John Mee

You need https://mail.google.com/ as your scope to be able to delete mail.

like image 2
Tholle Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 07:10
