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message sent to deallocated instance error

Im constantly being given an error that reads *** -[NSKeyValueObservance retain]: message sent to deallocated instance 0x86c75f10. I have tried running the Zombies template and here is the screenshot of what it provides.

enter image description here

It points to a managedObject, and I'm having trouble figuring out where the object is being deallocated. Here is the block of code that the compiler takes me to after each crash.

- (void)setIsFavourite:(BOOL)isFavourite shouldPostToAnalytics:(BOOL)shouldPostToAnalytics;
    // check whether we need to generate preferences objects just in time
    if(!self.preferences && !self.series.preferences /*&& isFavourite*/)
            [self.series addPreferencesObject];
            [self addPreferencesObject];

    //Crash In here
    self.preferences.isFavourite = @(isFavourite);
    self.series.preferences.isFavourite = @(isFavourite);

EDIT: If you need to see a larger size of the image here is a larger resolution link.

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TheM00s3 Avatar asked Feb 10 '15 23:02


1 Answers

OK, I hit something similar and found a way to debug this kind of issue with NSKeyValueObservance. To debug, do the following:

  1. In Xcode, open the "Breakpoint Navigator".
  2. Add a new symbolic breakpoint with: -[NSKeyValueObservance _initWithObserver:property:options:context:originalObservable:]
  3. To that breakpoint, add an action and set it to "Debugger Command".
  4. Set the following command: expr (void)NSLog(@"observer <0x%p>: %@ <%p>, property: %@", $arg1, (id)NSStringFromClass((id)[(id)$arg3 class]), $arg3, (id)$arg4)
  5. Click the "Automatically continue after evaluating expression".

Now you can run your application and take the steps necessary to reproduce your crash. And yes, you'll want NSZombies enabled. Note: it's going to run slow and you're going to get a ton of debug output, but just be patient. It'll get there eventually.

When you hit the crash when trying to message a deallocated NSKeyValueObservance, you'll be presented with the address of the original object. Highlight the address and hit cmd-e to enter the text in the search buffer. Then hit cmd-g find the next occurrence of the string in the debugger output. You're going to potentially find the address a couple of times, so look for the address that follows the observer <0x?????> output. The output on that line should tell you what object is being observed and for which property.

In my case, when I figured this all out, it turned out that I was observing a synthesized property that depended on an object in array and during a certain operation, the order of the objects in the array changed without doing the correct KVO notifications, and that caused my crash.

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A.J. Raftis Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 07:10

A.J. Raftis