I'm trying out Rx because it seems like a good fit for our domain but the learning curve has taken me by surprise.
I need to knit together historical price data with live price data.
I'm trying to adapt the usual approach to doing this into the language of Rx:
I have this disgusting and incorrect straw man code which seems to work for the naive test cases I've written:
IConnectableObservable<Tick> live = liveService
.Replay(/* Some appropriate buffer size */);
IObservable<Tick> historical = historyService.For(since, symbol);
return new[] {historical, live}
private static Func1<Tick,bool> TicksAreInChronologicalOrder()
// Some stateful predicate comparing the timestamp of this tick
// to the timestamp of the last tick we saw
This has a few drawbacks
live.SkipWhile(tick => tick.Timestamp < /* lazily get last timestamp in historical data */)
. Is Wait(this IObservable<TSource>)
useful here?There must be a better way to do this, but I'm still waiting for my brain to grok Rx like it does FP.
Another option I've considered to solve 1. is writing my own Rx extension which would be an ISubject
that queues messages until it gets its first subscriber (and refuses subscribers after that?). Maybe that's the way to go?
If your historical and live data are both time-or-scheduler-based, that is, the event stream looks like this over time:
|----------------------------------------------------> time
h h h h h h historical
l l l l l l live
You can use a simple TakeUntil
var historicalStream = <fetch historical data>;
var liveStream = <fetch live data>;
var mergedWithoutOverlap =
// pull from historical
// until we start overlapping with live
// then continue with live data
If you get all your historical data all at once, like a IEnumerable<T>
, you can use a combination of StartWith
and your other logic:
var historicalData = <get IEnumerable of tick data>;
var liveData = <get IObservable of tick data>;
var mergedWithOverlap =
// the observable is the "long running" feed
// But we'll inject the historical data in front of it
// Perform filtering based on your needs
.Where( .... );
How about something like:
public static IObservable<T> CombineWithHistory<T, TSelectorResult>(this IObservable<T> live, IObservable<T> history, Func<T, TSelectorResult> selector)
var replaySubject = new ReplaySubject<T>();
return history.Concat(replaySubject).Distinct(selector);
This uses a sequence id and distinct to filter the duplicates.
And the corresponding tests:
var testScheduler = new TestScheduler();
var history = testScheduler.CreateColdObservable(
OnNext(1L, new PriceTick { PriceId = 1 }),
OnNext(2L, new PriceTick { PriceId = 2 }),
OnNext(3L, new PriceTick { PriceId = 3 }),
OnNext(4L, new PriceTick { PriceId = 4 }),
OnCompleted(new PriceTick(), 5L));
var live = testScheduler.CreateHotObservable(
OnNext(1L, new PriceTick { PriceId = 3 }),
OnNext(2L, new PriceTick { PriceId = 4 }),
OnNext(3L, new PriceTick { PriceId = 5 }),
OnNext(4L, new PriceTick { PriceId = 6 }),
OnNext(5L, new PriceTick { PriceId = 7 }),
OnNext(6L, new PriceTick { PriceId = 8 }),
OnNext(7L, new PriceTick { PriceId = 9 })
live.Subscribe(pt => Console.WriteLine("Live {0}", pt.PriceId));
history.Subscribe(pt => Console.WriteLine("Hist {0}", pt.PriceId), () => Console.WriteLine("C"));
var combined = live.CombineWithHistory(history, t => t.PriceId);
combined.Subscribe(pt => Console.WriteLine("Combined {0}", pt.PriceId));
If you execute this test, combined emits price ticks with ids 1 to 8.
For the record, here's what I did in the end. I'm still very much an Rx learner, and returning to .Net having last seen it at version 2.0. All feedback is very gratefully received.
The Ticks object used below may contain one or more tick values. The historical data service returns data in several Ticks.
public class HistoricalAndLivePriceFeed : IPriceFeed
private readonly IPriceFeed history;
private readonly IPriceFeed live;
private readonly IClock clock;
public HistoricalAndLivePriceFeed(IPriceFeed history, IPriceFeed live)
: this(history, live, new RealClock())
public HistoricalAndLivePriceFeed(IPriceFeed history, IPriceFeed live, IClock clock)
this.history = history;
this.live = live;
this.clock = clock;
public IObservable<Ticks> For(DateTime since, ISymbol symbol)
return Observable.Create<Ticks>(observer =>
var liveStream = Buffer<Ticks>.StartBuffering(live.For(since, symbol));
var definitelyInHistoricalTicks = clock.Now;
// Sleep to make sure that historical data overlaps our live data
// If we ever use a data provider with less fresh historical data, we may need to rethink this
var liveStreamAfterEndOfHistoricalTicks = liveStream
.SkipWhile(ticks => ticks.LastTimestamp <= definitelyInHistoricalTicks)
.Select(ticks => ticks.RemoveBefore(definitelyInHistoricalTicks + 1));
var subscription = history.For(since, symbol)
.Select(historicalTicks => historicalTicks.RemoveAtOrAfter(definitelyInHistoricalTicks + 1))
return liveStream.And(subscription);
public static class CompositeDisposableExtensions
public static CompositeDisposable And(this IDisposable disposable, Action action)
return And(disposable, Disposable.Create(action));
public static CompositeDisposable And(this IDisposable disposable, IDisposable other)
return new CompositeDisposable(disposable, other);
Which uses this Rx code, which I still don't quite trust:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reactive.Disposables;
using System.Reactive.Subjects;
namespace My.Rx
/// <summary>
/// Buffers values from an underlying observable when no observers are subscribed.
/// On Subscription, any buffered values will be replayed.
/// Only supports one observer for now.
/// Buffer is an ISubject for convenience of implementation but IObserver methods
/// are hidden. It is not intended that Buffer should be used as an IObserver,
/// except through StartBuffering() and it is dangerous to do so because none of
/// the IObserver methods check whether Buffer has been disposed.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TSource"></typeparam>
public class Buffer<TSource> : ISubject<TSource>, IDisposable
private readonly object gate = new object();
private readonly Queue<TSource> queue = new Queue<TSource>();
private bool isDisposed;
private Exception error;
private bool stopped;
private IObserver<TSource> observer = null;
private IDisposable subscription;
public static Buffer<TSource> StartBuffering(IObservable<TSource> observable)
return new Buffer<TSource>(observable);
private Buffer(IObservable<TSource> observable)
subscription = observable.Subscribe(this);
void IObserver<TSource>.OnNext(TSource value)
lock (gate)
if (stopped) return;
if (IsBuffering)
void IObserver<TSource>.OnError(Exception error)
lock (gate)
if (stopped) return;
if (IsBuffering)
this.error = error;
stopped = true;
void IObserver<TSource>.OnCompleted()
lock (gate)
stopped = true;
public IDisposable Subscribe(IObserver<TSource> observer)
lock (gate)
if (isDisposed)
throw new ObjectDisposedException(string.Empty);
if (this.observer != null)
throw new NotImplementedException("A Buffer can currently only support one observer at a time");
if (error != null)
else if (stopped)
this.observer = observer;
return Disposable.Create(() =>
lock (gate)
// Go back to buffering
this.observer = null;
private bool IsBuffering
get { return observer == null; }
public void Dispose()
lock (gate)
isDisposed = true;
subscription = null;
observer = null;
Which passes these tests (I haven't bothered checking thread safety yet):
private static readonly Exception exceptionThrownFromUnderlying = new Exception("Hello world");
public void ReplaysBufferedValuesToFirstSubscriber()
var underlying = new Subject<int>();
var buffer = Buffer<int>.StartBuffering(underlying);
var observed = new List<int>();
Assert.That(observed, Is.EquivalentTo(new []{1,2}));
public void PassesNewValuesToObserver()
var underlying = new Subject<int>();
var buffer = Buffer<int>.StartBuffering(underlying);
var observed = new List<int>();
Assert.That(observed, Is.EquivalentTo(new[] { 1, 2 }));
public void DisposesOfSubscriptions()
var underlying = new Subject<int>();
var buffer = Buffer<int>.StartBuffering(underlying);
var observed = new List<int>();
Assert.That(observed, Is.Empty);
public void StartsBufferingAgainWhenSubscriptionIsDisposed()
var underlying = new Subject<int>();
var buffer = Buffer<int>.StartBuffering(underlying);
// These should be buffered
var firstSubscriptionObserved = new List<int>();
using (buffer.Subscribe(Observer.Create<int>(firstSubscriptionObserved.Add)))
// Should be passed through to first subscription
Assert.That(firstSubscriptionObserved, Is.EquivalentTo(new[] { 1, 2, 3 }));
// First subscription has been disposed-
// we should be back to buffering again
var secondSubscriptionObserved = new List<int>();
using (buffer.Subscribe(Observer.Create<int>(secondSubscriptionObserved.Add)))
// Should be passed through to second subscription
Assert.That(secondSubscriptionObserved, Is.EquivalentTo(new[] { 4, 5 ,6}));
public void DoesNotSupportTwoConcurrentObservers()
// Use .Publish() if you need to do this
var underlying = new Subject<int>();
var buffer = Buffer<int>.StartBuffering(underlying);
buffer.Subscribe(Observer.Create<int>(i => { }));
Assert.Throws<NotImplementedException>(() => buffer.Subscribe(Observer.Create<int>(i => { })));
public void CannotBeUsedAfterDisposal()
var underlying = new Subject<int>();
var buffer = Buffer<int>.StartBuffering(underlying);
Assert.Throws<ObjectDisposedException>(() => buffer.Subscribe(Observer.Create<int>(i => { })));
public void ReplaysBufferedError()
var underlying = new Subject<int>();
var buffer = Buffer<int>.StartBuffering(underlying);
var observed = new List<int>();
Exception foundException = null;
e => foundException = e);
Assert.That(observed, Is.EquivalentTo(new []{1}));
Assert.That(foundException, Is.EqualTo(exceptionThrownFromUnderlying));
public void ReplaysBufferedCompletion()
var underlying = new Subject<int>();
var buffer = Buffer<int>.StartBuffering(underlying);
var observed = new List<int>();
var completed = false;
() => completed=true);
Assert.That(observed, Is.EquivalentTo(new[] { 1 }));
public void ReplaysBufferedErrorToSubsequentObservers()
var underlying = new Subject<int>();
var buffer = Buffer<int>.StartBuffering(underlying);
// Drain value queue
using (buffer.Subscribe(Observer.Create<int>(i => { }, e => { }))) ;
var observered = new List<int>();
Exception exceptionEncountered = null;
using (buffer.Subscribe(Observer.Create<int>(observered.Add, e=>exceptionEncountered=e)));
Assert.That(observered, Is.Empty);
Assert.That(exceptionEncountered, Is.EqualTo(exceptionThrownFromUnderlying));
public void ReplaysBufferedCompletionToSubsequentObservers()
var underlying = new Subject<int>();
var buffer = Buffer<int>.StartBuffering(underlying);
// Drain value queue
using (buffer.Subscribe(Observer.Create<int>(i => { }))) ;
var observered = new List<int>();
var completed = false;
using (buffer.Subscribe(Observer.Create<int>(observered.Add, ()=>completed=true)));
Assert.That(observered, Is.Empty);
public void DisposingOfBufferDisposesUnderlyingSubscription()
var underlyingSubscriptionWasDisposed = false;
var underlying = Observable.Create<int>(observer => Disposable.Create(() => underlyingSubscriptionWasDisposed= true ));
var buffer = Buffer<int>.StartBuffering(underlying);
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