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merge partial matched strings

I am struggling with trying to combine partially matched strings from two files.

File 1 contains a list of unique strings. These strings are partially matched to a number of strings in File 2. How do I merge the rows in file 1 with file 2 for every matched case





Desired output

mmu-miR-677-5p_MIMAT0017239     mmu-miR-677-5p_CTTCAGTGATGATTAGCTTCTGA
mmu-miR-677-5p_MIMAT0017239     mmu-miR-677-5p_CTTCAGTGATGATTAGCTTCTGACT
mmu-miR-677-5p_MIMAT0017239     mmu-miR-677-5p_TTCAGTGATGATTAGCTTCTGACT
mmu-miR-181a-1-3p_MIMAT0000660  mmu-miR-181a-1-3p_ACCATCGACCGTTGATTGTAC
mmu-miR-181a-1-3p_MIMAT0000660  mmu-miR-181a-1-3p_ACCATCGACCGTTGATTGTACC

I have tried using pmatch() in R, but don't get it right. I looks like something perl would handle??

Maybe something like this:

perl -ne'exec q;perl;, "-ne", q $print (/\Q$.$1.q;/?"$. YES":$. .q\; NO\;);, "file2" if m;^(.*)_pat1;' file1
like image 692
user3741035 Avatar asked Jun 15 '14 11:06


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2 Answers

This is a brief Perl solution, which saves all the data from file1 in a hash and then retrieves it as file2 is scanned

use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie;

my @files = qw/ file1.txt file2.txt /;

my %file1 = do {
  open my $fh, '<', $files[0];
  map /([^_]+)_(\S+)/, <$fh>;

open my $fh, '<', $files[1];
while (<$fh>) {
  my ($key) = /([^_]+)/;
  printf "%-32s%s", "${key}_$file1{$key}", $_;


mmu-miR-677-5p_MIMAT0017239     mmu-miR-677-5p_CTTCAGTGATGATTAGCTTCTGA
mmu-miR-677-5p_MIMAT0017239     mmu-miR-677-5p_CTTCAGTGATGATTAGCTTCTGACT
mmu-miR-677-5p_MIMAT0017239     mmu-miR-677-5p_TTCAGTGATGATTAGCTTCTGACT
mmu-miR-181a-1-3p_MIMAT0000660  mmu-miR-181a-1-3p_ACCATCGACCGTTGATTGTAC
mmu-miR-181a-1-3p_MIMAT0000660  mmu-miR-181a-1-3p_ACCATCGACCGTTGATTGTACC
like image 183
Borodin Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 19:09


Of course you may do it in R. Indeed, pmatching whole strings won't give you the desired result - you've got to match appropriate substrings.

I assume that in file 1 the first identifier is 677 and not 667, otherwise it's hard to guess the matching scheme (I assume your example is only a part of a bigger database).

file1 <- readLines(textConnection('mmu-miR-677-5p_MIMAT0017239

file2 <- readLines(textConnection('mmu-miR-677-5p_CTTCAGTGATGATTAGCTTCTGA

file1_id <- stri_extract_first_regex(file1, "^.*?(?=_)")
file2_id <- stri_extract_first_regex(file2, "^.*?(?=_)")

cbind(file1=file1[match(file2_id, file1_id)], file2=file2)
##      file1                            file2                                     
## [1,] "mmu-miR-677-5p_MIMAT0017239"    "mmu-miR-677-5p_CTTCAGTGATGATTAGCTTCTGA"  
## [2,] "mmu-miR-677-5p_MIMAT0017239"    "mmu-miR-677-5p_CTTCAGTGATGATTAGCTTCTGACT"
## [3,] "mmu-miR-677-5p_MIMAT0017239"    "mmu-miR-677-5p_TTCAGTGATGATTAGCTTCTGACT" 
## [4,] "mmu-miR-181a-1-3p_MIMAT0000660" "mmu-miR-181a-1-3p_ACCATCGACCGTTGATTGTAC" 
## [5,] "mmu-miR-181a-1-3p_MIMAT0000660" "mmu-miR-181a-1-3p_ACCATCGACCGTTGATTGTACC"
like image 26
gagolews Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 19:09
