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choose n most distant points in R




Given a set of xy coordinates, how can I choose n points such that those n points are most distant from each other?

An inefficient method that probably wouldn't do too well with a big dataset would be the following (identify 20 points out of 1000 that are most distant):

xy <- cbind(rnorm(1000),rnorm(1000))

n <- 20
bestavg <- 0
bestSet <- NA
for (i in 1:1000){
    subset <- xy[sample(1:nrow(xy),n),]
    avg <- mean(dist(subset))
    if (avg > bestavg) {
        bestavg <- avg
        bestSet <- subset
like image 369
Pascal Avatar asked Mar 03 '14 16:03


1 Answers

This code, based on Pascal's code, drops the point that has the largest row sum in the distance matrix.

m2 <- function(xy, n){

    subset <- xy

    alldist <- as.matrix(dist(subset))

    while (nrow(subset) > n) {
        cdists = rowSums(alldist)
        closest <- which(cdists == min(cdists))[1]
        subset <- subset[-closest,]
        alldist <- alldist[-closest,-closest]

Run on a Gaussian cloud, where m1 is @pascal's function:

> set.seed(310366)
> xy <- cbind(rnorm(1000),rnorm(1000))
> m1s = m1(xy,20)
> m2s = m2(xy,20)

See who did best by looking at the sum of the interpoint distances:

> sum(dist(m1s))
[1] 646.0357
> sum(dist(m2s))
[1] 811.7975

Method 2 wins! And compare with a random sample of 20 points:

> sum(dist(xy[sample(1000,20),]))
[1] 349.3905

which does pretty poorly as expected.

So what's going on? Let's plot:

> plot(xy,asp=1)
> points(m2s,col="blue",pch=19)
> points(m1s,col="red",pch=19,cex=0.8)

enter image description here

Method 1 generates the red points, which are evenly spaced out over the space. Method 2 creates the blue points, which almost define the perimeter. I suspect the reason for this is easy to work out (and even easier in one dimension...).

Using a bimodal pattern of initial points also illustrates this:

enter image description here

and again method 2 produces much larger total sum distance than method 1, but both do better than random sampling:

> sum(dist(m1s2))
[1] 958.3518
> sum(dist(m2s2))
[1] 1206.439
> sum(dist(xy2[sample(1000,20),]))
[1] 574.34
like image 126
Spacedman Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 05:11
