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merge 2 values and put in a v-data-table column (Vuetify)

Is it possible to merge to values and put into one column in v-data-table?



export default {
  data() {
    return {
      items: [
         { first_name: "Peter", last_name: "Johnson" },
         { first_name: "Simon", last_name: "Walker" }
      headers: [
        { text: "first_name", value: "first_name" },
        { text: "last_name", value: "last_name" },

For example I want to put Peter Johnson in Full name column of my v-data-table, While it doesn't have Full name column.

like image 994
Fred II Avatar asked Feb 19 '20 14:02

Fred II

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1 Answers

You can render a virtual column with the use of slots with v-data-table. But you need to have a column full_name.

<v-data-table :headers="headers" :items="items">
  <template #item.full_name="{ item }">{{ item.first_name }} {{ item.last_name }}</template>
export default {
  data() {
    return {
      items: [
        { first_name: "Peter", last_name: "Johnson" },
        { first_name: "Simon", last_name: "Walker" }
      headers: [{ text: "Full Name", value: "full_name" }]


like image 138
Pierre Said Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 04:11

Pierre Said