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Merge 2 dataframes by matching dates

I have two dataframes:

id      dates
MUM-1  2015-07-10
MUM-1  2015-07-11
MUM-1  2015-07-12
MUM-2  2014-01-14
MUM-2  2014-01-15
MUM-2  2014-01-16
MUM-2  2014-01-17


id      dates      field1  field2
MUM-1  2015-07-10     1       0
MUM-1  2015-07-12     2       1
MUM-2  2014-01-14     4       3
MUM-2  2014-01-17     0       1

merged data:

id      dates        field1   field2
MUM-1  2015-07-10      1         0
MUM-1  2015-07-11      na        na
MUM-1  2015-07-12      2         1
MUM-2  2014-01-14      4         3
MUM-2  2014-01-15      na        na
MUM-2  2014-01-16      na        na
MUM-2  2014-01-17      0         1   

code: merge(x= df1, y= df2, by= 'id', all.x= T)

I am using merge but since the size of both dataframes are too huge, it is taking too long to process. Is there any alternative to the merge function? Maybe in dplyr? So that it processes fast in comparision. Both dataframes have more than 900K rows.

like image 755
Dheeraj Singh Avatar asked Aug 07 '15 11:08

Dheeraj Singh

1 Answers

Instead of using merge with data.table, you can also simply join as follows:


df2[df1, on = c('id','dates')]

this gives:

> df2[df1]
      id      dates field1 field2
1: MUM-1 2015-07-10      1      0
2: MUM-1 2015-07-11     NA     NA
3: MUM-1 2015-07-12      2      1
4: MUM-2 2014-01-14      4      3
5: MUM-2 2014-01-15     NA     NA
6: MUM-2 2014-01-16     NA     NA
7: MUM-2 2014-01-17      0      1

Doing this with dplyr:

dplr <- left_join(df1, df2, by=c("id","dates"))

As mentioned by @Arun in the comments, a benchmark is not very meaningfull on a small dataset with seven rows. So lets create some bigger datasets:

dt1 <- data.table(id=gl(2, 730, labels = c("MUM-1", "MUM-2")),
                  dates=c(seq(as.Date("2010-01-01"), as.Date("2011-12-31"), by="days"),
                          seq(as.Date("2013-01-01"), as.Date("2014-12-31"), by="days")))
dt2 <- data.table(id=gl(2, 730, labels = c("MUM-1", "MUM-2")),
                  dates=c(seq(as.Date("2010-01-01"), as.Date("2011-12-31"), by="days"),
                          seq(as.Date("2013-01-01"), as.Date("2014-12-31"), by="days")),
                  field1=sample(c(0,1,2,3,4), size=730, replace = TRUE),
                  field2=sample(c(0,1,2,3,4), size=730, replace = TRUE))
dt2 <- dt2[sample(nrow(dt2), 800)]

As can be seen, @Arun's approach is slightly faster:

benchmark(replications = 10, order = "elapsed", columns = c("test", "elapsed", "relative"),
          jaap = dt2[dt1, on = c('id','dates')],
          pavo = merge(dt1,dt2,by="id",allow.cartesian=T),
          dplr = left_join(dt1, dt2, by=c("id","dates")),
          arun = dt1[dt2, c("fiedl1", "field2") := .(field1, field2), on=c("id", "dates")])

  test elapsed relative
4 arun   0.015    1.000
1 jaap   0.016    1.067
3 dplr   0.037    2.467
2 pavo   1.033   68.867

For a comparison on a large dataset, see the answer of @Arun.

like image 185
Jaap Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 07:09
