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Memory leak when utilizing the reference counting feature of Delphi



The following code try to utilize the reference counting feature of Delphi.

However, FastMM4 in FullDebugMode reports DoStuff1 gives memory leak while DoStuff2 does not. Could you help to comment about why ? Shouldn't these two procedures behave exactly the same behind the scene ?

program Project_SO;



  ITestFunc = interface
    function DoIt(X,Y: Integer): Integer;

  TTestFunc = class(TInterfacedObject, ITestFunc)
    function DoIt(X,Y: Integer): Integer;
  TTestFuncClass = class of TTestFunc;   

{ TTestFunc }

function TTestFunc.DoIt(X, Y: Integer): Integer;
  Result := X + Y; 

function DoStuff1(Num1, Num2: Integer; OperationClass: TTestFuncClass): Integer;
  Result := ITestFunc(OperationClass.Create).DoIt(Num1, Num2);

function DoStuff2(Num1, Num2: Integer; OperationClass: TTestFuncClass): Integer;
var I: ITestFunc;
  I := ITestFunc(OperationClass.Create);
  Result := I.DoIt(Num1, Num2);

  Writeln(IntToStr(DoStuff1(3, 6, TTestFunc)));
  Writeln(IntToStr(DoStuff2(3, 6, TTestFunc)));
like image 674
SOUser Avatar asked Nov 23 '15 02:11


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What's new in the Delphi memory manager?

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What is Memcheck in Delphi?

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1 Answers

Result := ITestFunc(OperationClass.Create).DoIt(Num1, Num2);

Nowhere here is a reference to the interface taken. A reference is taken when the interface is assigned to a variable, or passed as a by value parameter. In fact, passing as a by value parameter, can be thought of as semantically equivalent to assigning to a local variable in the callee's frame.

But nowhere in this code is a reference taken. And so, since nothing has a reference to the interface, there is no mechanism for it to be destroyed. Hence the leak.

  I: ITestFunc;
  I := ITestFunc(OperationClass.Create);
  Result := I.DoIt(Num1, Num2);

In this variant, a reference is taken when the assignment is made. When the local variable I leaves scope, its reference count decreases to zero and the implementing object is destroyed.

Note that the unchecked cast is needless here. The compiler knows perfectly well that TTestFunc implements ITestFunc and your code should better be written like this:

  I: ITestFunc;
  I := OperationClass.Create;
  Result := I.DoIt(Num1, Num2);

As suggested in the comments, you could remove the local variable and use a checked as cast:

Result := (OperationClass.Create as ITestFunc).DoIt(Num1, Num2);

A consequence of the implementation of the as cast is that an implicit local variable is declared, to which the interface is assigned. That means that the reference count is incremented to one, and then decremented to zero when that implicit local leaves scope.

Finally, your TTestFunc class should have a virtual constructor since you intend to instantiate it with a meta class.

like image 151
David Heffernan Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 20:09

David Heffernan