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Memory doesn't get freed in multiple threads

I've been using Julia for multi-thread processing of large amounts of data and observed one interseting pattern. The memory usage (reported by htop) slowly grows until the process is killed by OS. The project is complex and it is hard to produce a suitable MWE, but I carried out a simple experiment:

using Base.Threads
f(n) = Threads.@threads for i=1:n
    x = zeros(n)

Now, I called f(n) repeatedly for various values of n (somewhere between 10^4 and 10^5 on my 64 Gb machine). The result is that sometimes everything works as expected and memory gets freed after return, however sometimes this is not the case and an amount of used memory reported by htop hangs at a large value even though it seems no computations are made:

enter image description here

Explicit garbage collecting GC.gc() helps only a little, some memory is freed, but only a small chunk. Also, calling GC.gc() sometimes in the loop in function f helps, but the problem persists and, of course, performance is decreased. After exiting Julia, the allocated memory gets back to normal (probably freed by OS).

I've read about how julia manages its memory and how the memory is released only when memory tally is bigger than some value. But in my case, it results into process being killed by OS. It seems to me that GC somehow loses track of all allocated memory

Could anybody please explain this behaviour and how to prevent it without slowing down the code by repetitive calling of GC.gc()? And why is garbage collection broken in this way?

More details:

  • This happens only when processing large data (allocating large amount of memory) in multiple threads. I couldn't reproduce the same thing with only one thread.
  • I checked my code for everything I know about that can increase memory consumption (global variables, type stability, ...) with no positive results. As far as I know these problems result in higher memory allocation, my problem here is that memory doesn't get freed after returning from a function.
  • Here is my versioninfo output:

    julia> versioninfo()
    Julia Version 0.7.0
    Commit a4cb80f3ed (2018-08-08 06:46 UTC)
    Platform Info:
      OS: Linux (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
      CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8124M CPU @ 3.00GHz
      WORD_SIZE: 64
      LIBM: libopenlibm
      LLVM: libLLVM-6.0.0 (ORCJIT, skylake)
like image 831
Šimon Mandlík Avatar asked Sep 18 '18 07:09

Šimon Mandlík

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1 Answers

Since this was asked quite a while ago, hopefully this no longer occurs -- though I cannot test to be sure without an MWE.

One point which may be worth noting, however, is that the Julia garbage collector is single-threaded; i.e., there is only ever one garbage collector no matter how many threads you have generating garbage.

Consequently, if you are going to be generating a lot of garbage in a parallel workflow, it is generally good advice to use multiprocessing (i.e. MPI.jl or Distributed.jl) rather than multithreading. In multiprocessing, in contrast to multithreading, each process gets its own GC.

like image 140
cbk Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 05:09
