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Measuring Documentation Coverage with Doxygen



I wanted to ask if there are any features (or add-ons) for Doxygen to measure the documentation coverage via command line. I already know that I can set up Doxygen to write undocumented elements as warnings into a log file, but to fully evaluate the documentation coverage from that, I'd need to write my own warning log parser. Was something like this done already or is there an even easier way I couldn't find? Is there any add-on I could check out for this? Thank you.

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user2455387 Avatar asked Jun 05 '13 11:06


2 Answers

I don't know anything that can give documentation coverage for doxygen, but a quick search gives 2 interesting results : https://github.com/alobbs/doxy-coverage (require xml output for doxygen) and http://jessevdk.github.io/cldoc/ (alternative for c++ projects?)

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sebbu Avatar answered Dec 22 '22 05:12


There is coverxygen which is using the same idea as alobbs/doxy-coverage (uses xml output of Doxygen) but provides more options (for example, filter by access specifier).

Disclaimer: I am contributing to that project.

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Ignitor Avatar answered Dec 22 '22 06:12
