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Meaning of Spring @ManagerResource: persistPolicy, persistPeriod, persistLocation and currencyTimeLimit


What does the following fields mean in Spring @ManagedResource used for JMX? There is no Javadoc or related description in Spring documentation.

  1. String persistPolicy() default "";  2. int persistPeriod() default -1;  3. String persistLocation() default "";  4. int currencyTimeLimit() default -1; 
like image 664
Mohsen Avatar asked Apr 24 '12 15:04


1 Answers

These are passed onto the JMX api - you can find more info about it in the JMX java doc. Copying the relevant section here -

 persistPolicy  : OnUpdate|OnTimer|NoMoreOftenThan|OnUnregister|Always|Never    persistLocation : The fully qualified directory name where the MBean should be persisted (if appropriate)  persistFile    : File name into which the MBean should be persisted  persistPeriod  : seconds - frequency of persist cycle for OnTime and NoMoreOftenThan PersistPolicy   currencyTimeLimit : how long value is valid, <0 never, =0 always, >0 seconds   
like image 180
gkamal Avatar answered Feb 11 '23 16:02
