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SHA 256 pseuedocode?


People also ask

Is it possible to crack a SHA-256?

The SHA-256 algorithm is not yet easily cracked. Moreover SHA256 algorithm, such as SHA-512 algorithms compared to other secure top model is calculated more quickly is currently one of the most widely used algorithms. However, IT experts talk about allegations and developments that SHA-256 may be vulnerable very soon.

Is SHA-512 safer than SHA-256?

Due to the higher collision propability of passwords with sha-256 the use of sha-512 is more recommended. That means in fact: In case of a rainbowtable-attack the passwords hashed with sha-256 algorithm are easier to crack.

What is SHA256 hash used for?

SHA-256 is used in some of the most popular authentication and encryption protocols, including SSL, TLS, IPsec, SSH, and PGP. In Unix and Linux, SHA-256 is used for secure password hashing. Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin use SHA-256 for verifying transactions.

What are the constants in SHA256?

SHA-256, for example, sets additional constants that define the behavior of the SHA-2 algorithm, one of these constants is the output size, 256. The 256 and 512 in SHA-256 and SHA-512 refer to the respective digest size in bits.

I've been trying to work out how SHA-256 works. One thing I've been doing for other algorithms is I've worked out a sort of step by step pseudocode function for the algorithm.

I've tried to do the same for SHA256 but thus far I'm having quite a bit of trouble.

I've tried to work out how the wikipedia diagram works but besides the text part explaining the functions I'm not sure I've got it right.

Here's what I have so far:

Input is an array 8 items long where each item is 32 bits. Output is an array 8 items long where each item is 32 bits. Calculate all the function boxes and store those values.  |I'll refer to them by function name Store input, right shifted by 32 bits, into output.  | At this point, in the out array, E is the wrong value and A is empty Store the function boxes. | now we need to calculate out E and out A. | note: I've replaced the modulo commands with a bitwise AND 2^(32-1)  | I can't figure out how the modulus adding lines up, but I think it is like this Store (Input H + Ch + ( (Wt+Kt) AND 2^31 ) ) AND 2^31 As mod1 Store (sum1 + mod1) AND 2^31 as mod2 Store (d + mod2) AND 2^31 into output E  |now output E is correct and all we need is output A Store (MA + mod2) AND 2^31 as mod3 Store (sum0 + mod3) AND 2^31 into output A |output now contains the correct hash of input. |Do we return now or does this need to be run repeatedly? 

Did I get all of those addition modulos right? Also what are Wt and Kt? Also would this get run once and you're done or does it need to be run a certain number of times, with the output being re-used as input.

Here's the link by the way. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SHA-2#Hash_function

Thanks alot, Brian