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Maybe you haven't applied enough arguments to a function?



I am learning Haskell in a course in university, and there is a Exam-Exercise, where we need to define a function which takes a List of functions [(Int ->Int)] and another parameter of Type Int and returns an Int. So the Type should be

compose :: [(Int ->Int)] -> Int -> Int.

The function should return a composition of the functions in the list from left to right and apply it to the 2nd parameter. I tried the following :

compose :: [(Int -> Int)] -> Int -> Int
compose [] x = x
compose (f:fs) x  
    |fs == [] = f x
    |f  : (compose fs x)

But the compiler throws an error :

    Couldn't match expected type ‘Int’ with actual type ‘[Int -> Int]’
    In the expression: f : (compose fs x)
    In an equation for ‘compose’:
        compose (f : fs) x
          | fs == [] = f x
          | otherwise = f : (compose fs x)

    Couldn't match expected type ‘[Int -> Int]’ with actual type ‘Int’
    In the second argument of ‘(:)’, namely ‘(compose fs x)’
    In the expression: f : (compose fs x)

If I leave the last line away, like :

compose :: [(Int -> Int)] -> Int -> Int
compose [] x = x
compose (f:fs) x  
    |fs == [] = f x

then I also get an error - this is the one that I realy don't understand :

    No instance for (Eq (Int -> Int))
      (maybe you haven't applied enough arguments to a function?)
      arising from a use of ‘==’
    In the expression: fs == []
    In a stmt of a pattern guard for
               an equation for ‘compose’:
      fs == []
    In an equation for ‘compose’: compose (f : fs) x | fs == [] = f x

I would be happy for any help that clarifies what I am doing wrong.

like image 960
David Jambalaya Avatar asked Feb 24 '16 15:02

David Jambalaya

People also ask

What is a function that takes no arguments called?

A nullary or niladic function.

Can a function have zero arguments?

Yes, for example, if a function is just to print out "hello world", or some calculation, then it can take no parameter, and doesn't need to return any value at all.

Does it matter what order you put the arguments in to call a function?

Yes, it matters. The arguments must be given in the order the function expects them.

1 Answers

First of all, (:) is only for adding elements at the front of a list (or pattern match against those), so you have to replace

f : compose fs x


f (compose fs x)

Next, you have to use an expression of type Bool or a pattern match in a guard:

| fs == []  = -- this line is still wrong, see below
| otherwise = f (compose f xs)

However, there is no Eq instance for functions. The equivalence of two functions is undecidable (in general), so use null :: [a] -> Bool instead of (==) :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool:

compose :: [(Int -> Int)] -> Int -> Int
compose [] x = x
compose (f:fs) x  
  | null fs   = f x
  | otherwise = f (compose fs x)

Since compose [] x is the same as x you can even remove the check:

compose :: [(Int -> Int)] -> Int -> Int
compose []     x = x
compose (f:fs) x = f (compose fs x)


  • Extend compose [(+1), (+2)] 1 (replace it with its definition) without getting rid of intermediate terms. Do you notice a pattern?
  • Does this pattern remind you of a library function?
  • Try to use that library function in order to write compose.
like image 197
Zeta Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 18:09
