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Maven3- How to tell maven to use latest versions using verions-maven-plugin?




I am using Maven 3.2.5. I have a multi module project with parent P and sub-modules A(jar), B(war), C(EAR). I want to always use the latest version of dependency as we do nightly builds to QA environments. We could achieve this in Maven2 by using 'LATEST' in place of version number. But looks like this feature is disabled in MAVEN3. Now I am trying to make use of "use-latest-versions" goal in versions-maven-plugin.

I am trying to run this plugin on modules B and C so that module B will use latest artifact from module A and module C will use latest artifact from module B to build final EAR.

    **My parent POM** 



//Modules of this project
            <module>../../../Module A</module>
            <module>../../../Module Bs</module>
            <module>../../../Module C</module>

//Asking maven to run this goal in 'pre-clean' phase

    The command I am using to run parent POM is : **mvn -U clean install -P devb -    Dmaven.test.skip=true**

I am trying to invoke "use-latest-versions" goal in the "pre-clean" phase(I tried validate and initialize phases too).Bu after module A is built, maven tried to resolve the old version of Module B without running goal "use-latest-versions" for 'versions-maven-plugin".

In which phase should I run "use-latest-versions" goal so that maven updates the dependency version in Module B before trying to build it?

like image 846
cnu Avatar asked Apr 13 '15 19:04


People also ask

What is the latest version of Maven?

The latest and recommended version released by Apache Maven is 3.6.3. The goal is to increase performance, improve usability, allow safe embedding and ensure backward compatibility with Maven 2. The maven release is independent of the available plugins. Further releases of plugins will be made separately.

What is the difference between Maven 2 and Maven 3?

In Maven 2, if you didn’t specify the version for each plugins that used in pom.xml, it will pick the latest plugin version automatically, which is very convenient. However, in Maven 3, if you didn’t explicitly specify the plugin version, it will prompt you warning message. Read this “Maven 3 compatibility” for detail.

How do I get the version of a component in Maven?

The Build Helper Maven plugin provides a goal, called the build-helper:parse-version. This goal parses a version string (default: $ {project.version}) and set properties containing the component parts of the version.

What is the use of Maven?

Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. Based on the concept of a project object model (POM), Maven can manage a project's build, reporting, and documentation from a central place. The core release is independent of plugin releases. Further releases of plugins will be made separately.

1 Answers

This is how I achieved what I am looking for(Always take latest versions of dependencies):

I have setup a pre-step to "invoke top level maven targets" in jenkins and triggers the command:

mvn versions:use-latest-versions -DallowSnapshots=true -DexcludeReactor=false

on the parent pom This will update the dependency versions in the parent POM and all its child POM's. Thank you khmarbaise for trying to help me. I appreciate your time.

like image 194
cnu Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 00:10
