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Maven Release Plugin deployment of sources.jar and javadoc.jar

I use maven release plugin for generating release of my project. I do not want to generate Javadoc all time I build. On the other hand when I call release:perform I would like if maven would generate sources.jar and javadoc.jar and would deploy it to maven release repository. Just because I am curious how deploying source.jar can be disabled, since It looks like it is deployed by default.

like image 954
Gábor Lipták Avatar asked Nov 29 '22 17:11

Gábor Lipták

1 Answers

From the documentation of Maven Release Plugin, there is a useReleaseProfile parameter, which determines Whether to use the release profile that adds sources and javadocs to the released artifact, if appropriate. This is true by default. You can try changing this as appropriate to enable/disable source/javadocs.

like image 196
Raghuram Avatar answered Feb 06 '23 16:02
