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Maven "Module" vs "Project" (Eclipse, m2eclipse plugin)

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What is the difference between Maven project and Maven module?

a maven module is like a maven "sub-project". a maven project includes 1 or more modules. more info here. Typically, a module generates a single artifact (jar, war, zip, etc), although this is not always true.

What is Maven module?

A Maven module is a sub-project. To create a Maven module you will need to already have a Maven project available. The parent project must have its Packaging option pre-configured to pom, for a module to be created and associated with it.

What are the advantages of multi module Maven project?

Multi modules can help you with re-use your code. It's one of the best benefits you'll feel in work. Imagine if you have 3 web projects with a security layer, You'll have to copy paste your code 3 times and trying connect it with each project. But what if you create a security module a project with a specific job.

They are basically the same thing, but with one difference.
When you create a module, you must specify a parent project.
When you specify the parent project, it adds a <modules> section to the parent projects pom.xml.
That section basically says to the parent project:
run every command I get against all of my modules first
So for example, if you run, mvn package on the top-level project, it will run mvn package against all its module projects first.

Hope that helps.

Make sure all modules have high cohesion and related to each other, otherwise you will have a huge messy project without applying SRP (Single Responsibility Principle)

Found it! My searches were returning tons of hits for creating a "multi-module project", but once I added "-multi" to my query, the answer was on the first page.

According to Creating and Importing Projects:

m2eclipse provides the ability to create a Maven module. Creating a Maven module is almost identical to creating a Maven project as it also creates a new Maven project using a Maven archetype. However, a Maven module is a subproject of another Maven project typically known as a parent project.