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Maven + GAE step-by-step

I'm looking for a basic tutorial on how to "mavenize" a Google AppEngine project, created by Google Eclipse Plugin.

In case that's too difficult, how to create a Maven project, add GAE support to it then import it into Eclipse and work with the GooglePlugin from there?

P.s. What if I wanted SpringMVC,too?

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Fabio B. Avatar asked Oct 26 '11 12:10

Fabio B.

1 Answers

I'm not sure how to create maven project from eclipse, but creating it from scratch is very easy. For gae you can use net.kindleit:maven-gae-plugin See http://www.kindleit.net/maven_gae_plugin/index.html, it can generate pom.xml for you. Or just use it as


but don't forget to add GAE dependencies:


and repositories:

        <name>maven-gae-plugin repository</name>

        <name>maven-gae-plugin repository</name>

and then you can generate eclipse config by using mvn eclipse:eclipse

Dev server can be started by mvn gae:run, deployment by mvn gae:deploy

To use Spring, add dependencies to artifacts spring-webmvc, spring-core and spring-context under group org.springframework

like image 153
Igor Artamonov Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 03:11

Igor Artamonov