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maven copy a particular dependency jar to a specific directory in the .war file

I am trying out a Simple Java Web Start project based on the Oracle Tutorial. I am using maven to package it as a webapp and deploy it to application server. The full source code is available here


The maven project structure is like


The webapp module is a maven war module. It is required to package lib.jar at the root of webapp.war. NOT under WEB-INF/lib.

How to achieve this in maven?

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Kiran Mohan Avatar asked Nov 19 '14 14:11

Kiran Mohan

People also ask

What is Maven copy dependencies?

Full name: org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:3.3.0:copy-dependencies. Description: Goal that copies the project dependencies from the repository to a defined location.

Which maven phase copy a project artifact in the local repository for use as a dependency?

The dependency:copy goal can also be used to copy the just built artifact to a custom location if desired. It must be bound to any phase after the package phase so that the artifact exists in the repository.

What is ArtifactItem?

ArtifactItem represents information specified in the plugin configuration section for each artifact.

2 Answers

I found that the right way to do this is to use the maven-dependency-plugin. Since "lib.jar" is not used in the compile phase of "webapp" module, it is only a package time dependency. Using maven-dependency-plugin, I can copy lib.jar to any required directory during the prepare-package phase. The maven-war package would then include the lib.jar in the .war package.

                        <groupId>[ group id ]</groupId>
                        <artifactId>[artifact id]</artifactId>
                        <version>[ version ]</version>
                <!-- other configurations here -->

Update: There is a webstart-maven-plugin that does a better job of packaging javaws applications. See my sample project
for details

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Kiran Mohan Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 20:10

Kiran Mohan

Well how i said in the comments for sake of readability here is a part of the answer:

Since Maven will always store the dependencies of a web project under its WEB-INF/lib folder by default i (i am no Maven expert ...) would try to place my lib.jar inside the /target folder of the project before the phase package is executed.

NOTE: I havent tried it out so you will have to adjust the paths - expecially the output path so your lib.jar is placed properly to be packed into the root of the war (e.g. if you open your war there will be a lib.jar next to folders such as WEB-INF).

lets assume the root of my project would be under C:/devjba/projectX this equals the maven
variable ${project.basedir}.

from there the output-directory would be located under C:/devjba/projectX/target which equals the
maven variable ${project.build.directory}. This is the location a .war would be placed in after
the build

lets assume the required jar lib.jar is located under C:/devjba/projectX/misc which would equal to
the expression: ${project.basedir}/misc

            <!-- may adjust to another phase before package but make sure your plugin is bound to a phase
            because otherwise it wont be invoked during build! Now its bound to the first phase of the
            default lifecycle for packaging type war -->
                <!-- use the copy-resources goal of this plugin - it will copy resources :) -->
                <!-- this points to /target of the current project, you may adjust it to wherever it must be placed to be packed into the root of the war (just try&error) -->
                        <!-- this points to a folder /misc under the project root where we expect the lib.jar -->
                        <!-- unless you specify what to include anything of the above directory will be included -->

As i said i have no experience in signing JARs at all but there is a plugin called maven-jarsigner-plugin which i guess will do the job (i would sign it, then move it, then package the war) with a manual - i recomend you try to configure it according to my "example configuration of the maven-resource-plugin and post a new question directly containing your two plugin configurations. Dont forget to link to this question in that case. And also leave this question open so someone with a better approach may correct my way).

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JBA Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 19:10