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Maven Codehaus findbugs plugin "onlyAnalyze" option not working as expected

Update for the impatient: it's simple, use package.- for sub-package scanning instead of package.*, as-per martoe's answer below!

I cannot seem to get onlyAnalyze working for my multi-module project: regardless of what package (or pattern) I set, maven-findbugs-plugin doesn't evaluate sub-packages as I'd expect from passing it packagename.*.

To prove either myself or the plugin at fault (though I always assume it's the former!), I setup a small Maven project with the following structure:


which is very simple!

The POM has the following findbugs configuration:


and every App.java has the following code with two obvious violations:

package acme;
import java.io.Serializable;

public class App implements Serializable
    private static final class NotSer {
        private String meh = "meh";

    private static final NotSer ns = new NotSer();// Violation: not serializable field

    public static void main( String[] args )
        ns.meh = "hehehe";// Vilation: unused
        System.out.println( "Hello World!" );

Note that no_detect.App has the same content as above, but my expectation is that it wouldn't be evaluated by findbugs because I have the "onlyAnalyze" option set to acme.* which I assume would evaluate acme.App and acme.moo.App and nothing else.

I now execute a mvn clean install to clean, build, test, run findbugs, package, install, which produces the following findbugs report (snipped for brevity) and results in a build failure which is expected because acme.App and acme.moo.App:

<BugInstance category='BAD_PRACTICE' type='SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID' instanceOccurrenceMax='0'>
<ShortMessage>Class is Serializable, but doesn't define serialVersionUID</ShortMessage>
<LongMessage>acme.App is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID</LongMessage>
  &lt;p&gt; This field is never read.&amp;nbsp; Consider removing it from the class.&lt;/p&gt;
<BugPattern category='BAD_PRACTICE' abbrev='SnVI' type='SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID'><ShortDescription>Class is Serializable, but doesn't define serialVersionUID</ShortDescription><Details>
<BugCode abbrev='UrF'><Description>Unread field</Description></BugCode><BugCode abbrev='SnVI'><Description>Serializable class with no Version ID</Description></BugCode>

To summarise: only acme.App is analysed, acme.moo.App isn't (bad) and neither is no_detect.App (good).

I tried with two wildcards in the onlyAnalyze option but that produces a successful build but with a findbugs error (Dangling meta character '*' etc).

I tried with onlyAnalyze set to acme.*,acme.moo.* which analyzes all the expected classes (acme.App and acme.moo.App) which means it "works" but not as I expect; i.e. I have to explicitly declare all parent-packages for the classes I want to analyze: that could get large and difficult to maintain on a multi-module project!

Do I have to define every package I want analyzed, or can I declare a wildcard/regex pattern that will do what I want?

I'd rather not use the inclusion/exclusion XML because that requires far more setup and reasoning that I don't currently have time for...

like image 653
Alex Avatar asked Feb 13 '12 10:02


People also ask

How do you generate FindBugs reports?

To generate the FindBugs report as part of the Project Reports, add the FindBugs plugin in the <reporting> section of your pom. xml. Then, execute the site plugin to generate the report.

How to FindBugs?

To make sure that FindBugs is properly installed in your Eclipse environment, then, look for the option labeled FindBugs under Windows -> Preferences -> Java.

1 Answers

To cite the Findbugs manual: "Replace .* with .- to also analyze all subpackages"

like image 89
martoe Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 23:11
