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matlab: creating a symbolic vector

I am trying to create a function using the symbolic toolbox in matlab. I have been having trouble creating a symbolic vector (not a vector of symbolic variables). Do you guys know a way to do this without creating and editing a text-like matlab function file in your path?

  • *After creating the symbolic variables and all I use 'matlabFunction' to create and save the function.



function f=test1(x,a) {


a = sym('a', [1 2]);
x = sym('x', [1 2]);
% f(x, a) = sym('f(x, a)');
% f(x,a)=r;
% handle=matlabFunction(f(x,a),'file','test1');
  • The problem is that the code seen above creates a function with the set of input arguments (x1, x2, a1, a2) instead of (x,a) and I can't change the form of input arguments, it must be uniform.
  • In reality I am trying to write a function that will create a polynomial of specified degree and save it to the path so I could use 'eval' with it (which doesn't support polyval), but it will probably be useful for more.
like image 964
Avico Avatar asked Sep 06 '13 10:09


People also ask

What is a symbolic vector?

Vector Symbolic Architectures combine a high-dimensional vector space with a set of carefully designed operators in order to perform symbolic computations with large numerical vectors. Major goals are the exploitation of their representational power and ability to deal with fuzziness and ambiguity.

What does Sym () do in MATLAB?

The sym function refers to a symbolic variable, which you can then assign to a MATLAB variable with a different name. For example, the command f1 = sym('x') refers to the symbolic variable x and assigns it to the MATLAB variable f1 .

Can you make a symbolic matrix in MATLAB?

You can create symbolic matrix variables, derive equations, and then convert the result to arrays of symbolic scalar variables using the symmatrix2sym function. For example, find the matrix product of two symbolic matrix variables A and B . The result X is of type symmatrix .

What is a symbolic variable in MATLAB?

In Symbolic Math Toolbox™, symbolic variables are complex variables by default. For example, if you declare z as a symbolic variable using. syms z. then MATLAB® assumes that z is a complex variable. You can always check if a symbolic variable is assumed to be complex or real by using assumptions .

1 Answers


>> x = sym('x',[1 2])
x =
[ x1, x2]

>> x(1)
ans =

>> x(2)
ans =

>> whos x
  Name      Size            Bytes  Class    Attributes

  x         1x2               112  sym      

This is similar to writing:

>> syms a1 a2
>> a = [a1 a2]


First we build an expression from the symbolic variables:

a = sym('a', [1 2]);
x = sym('x', [1 2]);
expr = x(1)/a(1)+x(2)/a(2);

Next we convert it to a regular MATLAB function:

fh = matlabFunction(expr, 'file','test1', 'vars',{a,x});

The generated function is:

function expr = test1(in1,in2)
    a1 = in1(:,1);
    a2 = in1(:,2);
    x1 = in2(:,1);
    x2 = in2(:,2);
    expr = x1./a1+x2./a2;

Initially I was thinking of using regular expressions to fix the function handle generated. This is a much dirtier hack, so I recommend using the previous approach instead:

% convert to a function handle as string
fh = matlabFunction(expr);
str = char(fh);

% separate the header from the body of the function handle
T = regexp(char(fh), '@\((.*)\)(.*)', 'tokens', 'once');
[args,body] = deal(T{:});

% extract the name of the unique arguments (without the index number)
args = regexp(args, '(\w+)\d+', 'tokens');
args = unique([args{:}], 'stable');

% convert arguments from: x1 into x(1)
r = sprintf('%s|', args{:}); r = r(1:end-1);
body = regexprep(body, ['(' r ')(\d+)'], '$1($2)');

% build the arguments list of the new function: @(a,b,c)
head = sprintf('%s,', args{:}); head = head(1:end-1);

% put things back together to form a function handle
f = str2func(['@(' head ') ' body])

The resulting function handle:

>> f
f = 
like image 126
Amro Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 15:10
