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Fortran | Passing functions as arguments in other functions

I have a simple system of 1st-order differential equations to be solved in Matlab. It looks like the following:

function passing
y0 = [0; 0];
t = 0:0.05:1;
y = myprocedure(@myfunc,0.05,t,y0);
myans = y'

function f = myfunc(t,y)
f = [-y(1) + y(2);
     -0.8*t + y(2)];

function y=myprocedure(f,h,t,y0)
n = length(t);
y = zeros(length(y0),n);
y(:,1) = y0;
for i=1:n-1
    k1 = f(t(i),y(:,i));
    k2 = f(t(i)+h/2, y(:,i)+h/2*k1);
    k3 = f(t(i)+h/2, y(:,i)+h/2*k2);
    k4 = f(t(i)+h, y(:,i)+h*k3);
    y(:,i+1) = y(:,i)+h/6*(k1+2*k2+2*k3+k4);

So, after running the passing.m file, I have the result:

>> passing

myans =

     0         0
-0.0000   -0.0010
-0.0001   -0.0041
-0.0005   -0.0095
-0.0011   -0.0171
-0.0021   -0.0272
-0.0036   -0.0399
-0.0058   -0.0553
-0.0086   -0.0735
-0.0123   -0.0946
-0.0169   -0.1190
-0.0225   -0.1466
-0.0293   -0.1777
-0.0374   -0.2124
-0.0469   -0.2510
-0.0579   -0.2936
-0.0705   -0.3404
-0.0849   -0.3917
-0.1012   -0.4477
-0.1196   -0.5086
-0.1402   -0.5746

Now, I am trying converting the passing.m code to Fortran 90. I did try lots of things, but I am still lost -- particularly in doing array initializations and passing functions to other functions.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

== EDIT:

I succeeded replicating the above Matlab code in Fortran 90. I still don't know how to construct pointers, but the "interface" statement seems to work. I would appreciate it if you look at the code and provide some input. Thanks.

module odemodule
implicit none
function odef(a,b)
 implicit none
 odef(1) = -b(1) + b(2)
 odef(2) = -0.8*a + b(2)
end function odef
subroutine rk4(f,h,t,y0,y)
 implicit none
  function f(a,b)
   real::b(2), f(2)
  end function f
 end interface
 do i=1,20     
 k1 = f(t(i),y(:,i))
 k2 = f(t(i)+h/2, y(:,i)+h/2*k1)
 k3 = f(t(i)+h/2, y(:,i)+h/2*k2)
 k4 = f(t(i)+h, y(:,i)+h*k3)
 y(:,i+1) = y(:,i)+h/6*(k1+2*k2+2*k3+k4)
 end do
end subroutine rk4
end module odemodule

program passing
  use odemodule
implicit none
do i=2,21
end do
call rk4(odef,dt,t,yinit,y)
do i=1,21
  write(*,100) y(1,i), y(2,i)
100 format(f7.4,3x,f7.4)
end program passing
like image 523
Bill TP Avatar asked Aug 29 '12 15:08

Bill TP

People also ask

Can we give function as argument to another function?

You can use function handles as input arguments to other functions, which are called function functions. These functions evaluate mathematical expressions over a range of values.

Which of the following is a function that is passed to another function as a parameter?

1. Passing Pointer to a Function. A function can also be passed to another function by passing its address to that function; In simple terms, it could be achieved via pointers.

Can a function be a parameter?

A function can take parameters which are just values you supply to the function so that the function can do something utilising those values. These parameters are just like variables except that the values of these variables are defined when we call the function and are not assigned values within the function itself.

2 Answers

The best way in Fortran to select functions to pass to other procedures (subroutine or functions) is to use procedure pointers. That way you can write the procedure in a general manner and invoke it with a specific function. Here are some examples: How to alias a function name in Fortran and Function pointer arrays in Fortran

There are many ways to initialize arrrays. For example, you can initialize all elements to the same value, e.g.,

array = 0.0

See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fortran_95_language_features

like image 134
M. S. B. Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 12:09

M. S. B.

There is another way, I want to make it in a single file.

program main
    implicit none
    integer      , parameter       :: wp = 8
    integer      , parameter       ::  n = 2       ! number of equation
    real(kind=wp), parameter       ::  h = 0.05_wp ! time step
    integer      , parameter       ::  m = ceiling(1.0/h) + 1 ! total number of time step
    real(kind=wp), dimension(m)    ::  t
    real(kind=wp), dimension(n)    ::  y0
    real(kind=wp), dimension(n, m) ::  y
    integer :: i
    t(1:m) = [ (i*h ,i = 0,m-1) ] ! if h=0.05 m=21 ( t = 0:0.05:1 )
    y0(:)  = [  0.0_wp,  0.0_wp ]
    y = ode_rk4(f, h, t, y0)

    write(*,'(a,10x,a4,20x,a,30x,a)' ) '#', 'time', 'x', 'v'
    do i = 1, m
       write(*,*) t(i), y(:,i)
    end do

    function ode_rk4(f, h, t, y0) result(y)
        implicit none
        real(kind=wp), intent(in), dimension(:)     :: y0
        real(kind=wp), intent(in), dimension(:)     :: t
        real(kind=wp), intent(in)                   :: h
        real(kind=wp), dimension(size(y0), size(t)) :: y

            pure function f(t, x) result(y)
                implicit none
                real(kind=8)              , intent(in) :: t
                real(kind=8), dimension(2), intent(in) :: x
                real(kind=8), dimension(2)             :: y
            end function f
        end interface

        real(kind=wp), dimension( size(y0) ) :: k1, k2, k3, k4

        y(:, :) = 0.0_wp
        y(:, 1) = y0

        do i = 1, size(t) - 1
            k1(:) = f( t(i), y(:,i) )
            k2(:) = f( t(i) + h*0.5, y(:,i) + h*k1(:)*0.5 )
            k3(:) = f( t(i) + h*0.5, y(:,i) + h*k2(:)*0.5 )
            k4(:) = f( t(i) + h, y(:,i) + h*k2(:) )

            y(:, i+1) = y(:, i) + h/6.0 * ( k1 + 2.0*k2 + 2.0*k3 + k4 )

        end do
    end function ode_rk4

    pure function f(t, x) result(y)
        implicit none
        real(kind=wp)              , intent(in) :: t
        real(kind=wp), dimension(2), intent(in) :: x
        real(kind=wp), dimension(2)             :: y

        y(1:2) = [ -x(1) + x(2), &
                  -0.8*t + x(2) ]

    end function f

end program main

But the problem with the block interface of the function f(t,x).

    pure function f(t, x) result(y)
        implicit none
        real(kind=8)              , intent(in) :: t
        real(kind=8), dimension(2), intent(in) :: x
        real(kind=8), dimension(2)             :: y
    end function f
end interface

I want it all declaration variable depending on the precision variable wp not on hard coded values, I could use module, for exemple create file kind_mod.f90

module kind
    implicit none
    integer, private, parameter :: sp = 4
    integer, private, parameter :: dp = 8
    integer, private, parameter :: qp = 16
    integer, public , parameter :: wp = dp
end module kind

and then

    pure function f(t, x) result(y)
        use kind, only: wp
        implicit none
        real(kind=wp)              , intent(in) :: t
        real(kind=wp), dimension(2), intent(in) :: x
        real(kind=wp), dimension(2)             :: y
    end function f
end interface

The code could be improve more, but i hope that was enough to demonstrate how you make function as an argument of another function by using interface, you can also execute it with any precision you want.

#          time                    x                              v
   0.0000000000000000        0.0000000000000000        0.0000000000000000     
   5.0000000000000003E-002  -1.6666666915019357E-005  -1.0166666818161806E-003
  0.10000000000000001       -1.3337500198744241E-004  -4.1362920755244432E-003
  0.15000000000000002       -4.5043763692761095E-004  -9.4666966267490885E-003
  0.20000000000000001       -1.0686681413439925E-003  -1.7121228825211946E-002
  0.25000000000000000       -2.0896331089569026E-003  -2.7219048632159955E-002
  0.30000000000000004       -3.6159061266336280E-003  -3.9885425439353160E-002
  0.35000000000000003       -5.7513242612989464E-003  -5.5252051304658302E-002
  0.40000000000000002       -8.6012477060707013E-003  -7.3457370247492326E-002
  0.45000000000000001       -1.2272823234869468E-002  -9.4646924427517695E-002
  0.50000000000000000       -1.6875252124274188E-002 -0.11897371807220791     
  0.55000000000000004       -2.2520063212565732E-002 -0.14659860006328257     
  0.60000000000000009       -2.9321391778745664E-002 -0.17769066613866774     
  0.65000000000000002       -3.7396264938870084E-002 -0.21242768171568613     
  0.70000000000000007       -4.6864894273334769E-002 -0.25099652639274433     
  0.75000000000000000       -5.7850976416828570E-002 -0.29359366124099234     
  0.80000000000000004       -7.0482002362582521E-002 -0.34042562005441557     
  0.85000000000000009       -8.4889576254331925E-002 -0.39170952578672846     
  0.90000000000000002      -0.10120974446313261      -0.44767363346641825     
  0.95000000000000007      -0.11958333577188944      -0.50855790094749531     
   1.0000000000000000      -0.14015631351823021      -0.57461458892310990     
like image 24
Mr mim Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 12:09

Mr mim