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MaterialAlertDialogBuilder crashes on custom view editText

The AlertDialog(Material) crashes when tries to read the editText content.

The AlertDialog:

            .setPositiveButton(getString(R.string.text_change)) { dialog, which ->
                etUserInput.hint = message
                sgr = etUserInput.text.toString() // << crashes here
            .setNegativeButton(getString(android.R.string.cancel)) { dialog, _ ->

On clicking the positive button results as follows:

    java.lang.IllegalStateException: etUserInput must not be null
        at com.home.profile.SettingsFragment$buildAlertDialog$1.onClick(SettingsFragment.kt:332)
        at androidx.appcompat.app.AlertController$ButtonHandler.handleMessage(AlertController.java:167)

The etUserInput is simple editText in a seperate layout. Unsure the crash reason. Would appreciate any insight into it or any helpful Material samples.

like image 697
Faisal Avatar asked Nov 20 '19 14:11


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What is the materialalertdialogbuilder used for?

This Builder must be used in order for AlertDialog objects to respond to color and shape theming provided by Material themes. The type of dialog returned is still an AlertDialog; there is no specific Material implementation of AlertDialog . public MaterialAlertDialogBuilder (Context context, int overrideThemeResId)

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Alternatively, there exists a secondary MaterialAlertDialogBuilder constructor which accepts an overriding theme resource ID: Material Alert Dialogs can be themed in terms of the three Material Theming subsystems: color, typography and shape. We have already shown which theme overlays to use in the “Choosing a theme overlay” section above.

How to set positive and negative buttons in materialalertdialogbuilder?

Set the positive and the negative button using setPositiveButton () and setNegativeButton () respectively. Perform all the operations inside the click listener of the Positive button, such as extracting values from the edit texts. Don’t forget to call show () method on the MaterialAlertDialogBuilder instance, else your dialog won’t be shown at all.

Where is the custom view layout XML file saved?

activity_alert_dialog_custom_view_login_form.xml, this is the custom view layout XML file. It is saved in the app/res/layout folder. <!-- User name row. -->

1 Answers

Cast the DialogInterface to an AlertDialog and then use findViewById.


val et = (dialog as? AlertDialog)?.findViewById<EditText>(R.id.etUserInput)
val text = et?.text.toString()



EditText et = ((AlertDialog)dialog).findViewById(R.id.etUserInput);
String text = et.getText().toString();


            .setPositiveButton(getString(R.string.text_change)) { dialog, which ->
                val text = (dialog as? AlertDialog)?.findViewById<EditText>(R.id.etUserInput)?.text?.toString()

            .setNegativeButton(getString(android.R.string.cancel)) { dialog, _ ->
like image 156
Markymark Avatar answered Jan 25 '23 01:01
