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material-ui layout, breakpoints on containers

I'm starting a new project and learning React.

I have previous experience with twitter bootstrap, but chose to go for material-ui.

I have also chose to go for material-ui@next since it includes a Layout system (https://material-ui-1dab0.firebaseapp.com/layout/responsive-ui)

So far I have used the Layout's container and item with success to rearrange items in a container according to different breakpoints.

But I would like to also be able to make the container responsive, meaning giving different values to 'align', 'direction', and 'justify, according to the same breakpoints.

<Layout item md={2} sm={12}>
    // more Layout items here
<Layout item md={10} sm={12}>
    // more Layout items here

In this example, the Layout items will resize properly according to the breakpoints md and sm, but there are no such rules for containers (for example I would like align to be 'flex-start' when the breakpoint is md, and 'center' when the breakpoint is sm.

so my question is : the 'breakpoints' (xs, sm, md, lg, xl) can be used to modify how the items are distributed on a line. So is it possible to use the same breakpoints to modify how containers distribute their items?

Thanks a lot.

like image 706
romain-lavoix Avatar asked May 05 '17 00:05


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xs, extra-small: 0px. sm, small: 600px. md, medium: 900px.

1 Answers

You can handle this using media queries via jss-theme-reactor:

const styleSheet = createStyleSheet('test', theme => ({
  gridItem: {
    alignItems: 'center',
  [theme.breakpoints.up('md')]: {
    gridItem: {
      alignItems: 'flex-start',

const testComponent = (props, { styleManager }) => {
  const classes = styleManager.render(styleSheet);

  return (
    <Grid container>
      <Grid item md={2} sm={12} className={classes.gridItem}>
        <div>Hi, I'm in an item.</div>
      <Grid item md={10} sm={12} className={classes.gridItem}>
        <div>Yeah, me too.</div>

Alternatively, you can handle this using the withWidth HOC (which decorates the component with a width property):

import withWidth, { isWidthUp } from 'material-ui/utils/withWidth';

const styleSheet = createStyleSheet('AppDrawer', theme => ({
  gridItemSmall: {
    alignItems: 'center',
  gridItemMedium: {
    alignItems: 'flex-start',

const testComponent = ({ width }, { styleManager }) => {
  const classes = styleManager.render(styleSheet);
  const itemClass = isWidthUp('md', width) ? classes.gridItemMedium : classes.gridItemSmall;
  return (
    <Grid container>
      <Grid item md={2} sm={12} className={itemClass}>
        <div>Hi, I'm in an item.</div>
      <Grid item md={10} sm={12} className={itemClass}>
        <div>Yeah, me too.</div>

export default withWidth()(testComponent);
like image 114
Ken Gregory Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 11:10

Ken Gregory