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Update value of an element in React component from iOS UIWebView

I am trying to transfer data from native iOS app to a React (not react-native) web app running in a UIWebView.

I get a string from native viewcontroller and need to "inject" it into the value of an <input> element inside a React component class. I gave the element an id like so:

render() {
    <input id="iccid" type="text" name="iccid" pattern="\d*" onChange={this.iccidChanged.bind(this)} autoFocus />

Then using JavaScriptCore from iOS (Swift code) I run:

self.context = self.webView.valueForKeyPath("documentView.webView.mainFrame.javaScriptContext") as? JSContext

This seems work fine and I can see the value updated in the DOM inside the webview, problem is that my React onChange function (that validates the value and changes component state) does not fire as React does not interpret this as a change (probably because of DOM vs virtual DOM handling).

What's the correct way/best practice to update the element value from iOS AND get the React component to behave like user has typed it in?

like image 870
mindbomb Avatar asked Dec 04 '15 03:12


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1 Answers

I'm supposing that you want to trigger an event when a barcode is scanned. Your iOS app probably doesn't need to know where the event should be dispatched (i.e. which input field and how). It should be enough just to signal the web view that a barcode has been scanned.

You can dispatch a custom DOM event to window and have some React component listen to that event.

window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('barcodescan', {
  detail: {
    value: '(barcodeValue)'

You can then create a non-rendering component that will listen to the barcode event:

const BarcodeListener = React.createClass({
  propTypes: {
    onBarcodeScan: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired
  componentDidMount () {
    window.addEventListener('barcodescan', this.handleBarcodeScan)
  componentWillUnmount () {
    window.removeEventListener('barcodescan', this.handleBarcodeScan)
  render () {
    return null
  handleBarcodeScan (e) {

Then, in your form, you can render the input alongside with the barcode event listener:

  render () {
    return (
        <input ... />
        <BarcodeListener onBarcodeScan={this.handleBarcodeScan} />

Then handle the barcode scan event separately.

like image 100
Thai Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 15:09
