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Material-ui: How to stop propagation of click event in nested components

I have an IconMenu component inside a Paper component. I would like to prevent the propagation of the click event on the inner component (the IconMenu). That's what I came up with, without significant results (I also tried substituting onClick with onTouchTap, onMouseUp with same effects): the _iconMenuClick method is never called.

render() {
     return (
         <Paper onClick={this._onClick}>
             <IconMenu iconButtonElement={iconButtonElement} onClick={this._iconMenuClick}>

_iconMenuClick(event) {
like image 776
pedro.zena Avatar asked Jan 21 '16 16:01


People also ask

How do I stop click event propagation?

To stop the click event from propagating to the <div> element, you have to call the stopPropagation() method in the event handler of the button: btn. addEventListener('click', (e) => { e. stopPropagation(); alert('The button was clicked!

Which method can be used to stop propagation of an event?

stopPropagation() The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.

How do you stop event propagation in react?

event.stopPropagation() To use this: Make sure to pass the event object as a parameter. Use the stopPropagation method on the event object above your code within your event handler function.

How do you stop click event in react JS?

Just pass the event into the original click handler and call preventDefault(); .

1 Answers

In addition to using event.stopPropagation(); It is useful to note that it should be written within a onClick event handler.

I made the mistake of writing it inside an onChange event handler, and that wasn't working.

I found that solution here


<ListItem button onClick={this.handleListItemClick}>
-       <Checkbox onChange={this.handleCheckboxChange} />
+       <Checkbox onClick={this.handleCheckboxChange} />
like image 86
Rahul Makhija Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 14:09

Rahul Makhija