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Material UI and Grid system

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What is material UI grid?

The Material Design responsive layout grid adapts to screen size and orientation, ensuring consistency across layouts. The grid creates visual consistency between layouts while allowing flexibility across a wide variety of designs. Material Design's responsive UI is based on a 12-column grid layout.

Does material UI use CSS grid?

Both Material-UI Grid and Bootstrap 4 are built using CSS's Flexbox. Therefore, they can both implement vertical alignment, horizontal alignment, and other features of Flexbox. They also both implement a wrapping container with a 12 “column” system.

What is grid system in UI design?

What's “the grid”? In user interface design, a grid system is a way to align page elements based on sequenced columns and rows. We use it to place text, images, and functions in a consistent way throughout a product or site's design. Think of the grid system as the digital version of a print layout for magazines.

Material UI have implemented their own Flexbox layout via the Grid component.

It appears they initially wanted to keep themselves as purely a 'components' library. But one of the core developers decided it was too important not to have their own. It has now been merged into the core code and was released with v1.0.0.

You can install it via:

npm install @material-ui/core

It is now in the official documentation with code examples.

From the description of material design specs:

Grid Lists are an alternative to standard list views. Grid lists are distinct from grids used for layouts and other visual presentations.

If you are looking for a much lightweight Grid component library, I'm using React-Flexbox-Grid, the implementation of flexboxgrid.css in React.

On top of that, React-Flexbox-Grid played nicely with both material-ui, and react-toolbox (the alternative material design implementation).

I looked around for an answer to this and the best way I found was to use Flex and inline styling on different components.

For example, to make two paper components divide my full screen in 2 vertical components (in ration of 1:4), the following code works fine.

const styles = {
    display: 'flex',
    flexDirection: 'row wrap',
    padding: 20,
    width: '100%'
    flex: 1,
    height: '100%',
    margin: 10,
    textAlign: 'center',
    padding: 10
    height: 600,
    flex: 4,
    margin: 10,
    textAlign: 'center',

class ExampleComponent extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
        <div style={styles.div}>
          <Paper zDepth={3} style={styles.paperLeft}>
            <h4>First Vertical component</h4>
          <Paper zDepth={3} style={styles.paperRight}>
              <h4>Second Vertical component</h4>

Now, with some more calculations, you can easily divide your components on a page.

Further Reading on flex

I hope this is not too late to give a response.

I was also looking for a simple, robust, flexible and highly customizable bootstrap like react grid system to use in my projects.

The best I know of is react-pure-grid https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-pure-grid

react-pure-grid gives you the power to customize every aspect of your grid system, while at the same time it has built in defaults which probably suits any project


npm install react-pure-grid --save


import {Container, Row, Col} from 'react-pure-grid';

const App = () => (
          <Col xs={6} md={4} lg={3}>Hello, world!</Col>
            <Col xsOffset={5} xs={7}>Welcome!</Col>

The way I do is go to http://getbootstrap.com/customize/ and only check "grid system" to download. There are bootstrap-theme.css and bootstrap.css in downloaded files, and I only need the latter.

In this way, I can use the grid system of Bootstrap, with everything else from Material UI.