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Match regex from right to left?



Is there any way of matching a regex from right to left? What Im looking for is a regex that gets

CRC ERROR                        EVENT

from this input

CLI MUX trap received: (022) CL-B  MCL-2ETH             MODULE WAS INSERTED              EVENT   07-05-2010 12:08:40
CLI MUX trap received: (090) IO-2  ML-1E1        EX1    LOST SIGNAL ON E1/T1 LINK        OFF     04-06-2010 09:58:58
CLI MUX trap received: (094) IO-2  ML-1E1        EX1    CRC ERROR                        EVENT   04-06-2010 09:58:59
CLI MUX trap received: (009)                            CLK IS DIFF FROM MASTER CLK SRC  OFF     07-05-2010 12:07:32

If i could have done the matching from right to left I could have written something like everything to right of (EVENT|OFF) until the second appearance of more than one space [ ]+

The best I managed today is to get everything from (022) to EVENT with the regex

CLI MUX trap received: \([0-9]+\)[ ]+(.*[  ]+(EVENT|OFF))

But that is not really what I wanted :)

edit: What language its for? Its actually a config string for a filter we have but my guess it is using standard GNU C Regex library.

edit2: I like the answers about cutting by length but Amarghosh was probably more what I was looking for. Do not really know why I did not think about just cutting on length like:


Super thanks for the quick answers...

like image 473
Balroq Avatar asked Jun 07 '10 12:06


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The Match(String) method returns the first substring that matches a regular expression pattern in an input string. For information about the language elements used to build a regular expression pattern, see Regular Expression Language - Quick Reference.

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1 Answers

In .NET you could use the RightToLeft option :

Regex RE = new Regex(Pattern, RegexOptions.RightToLeft);
Match theMatch = RE.Match(Source);
like image 128
Julien Hoarau Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 20:10

Julien Hoarau