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How to replace all occurrences of a string except the first one in JavaScript?

I have this string:

hello world hello world hello world hello

and I need to get the following:

hello world hello hello hello

If I use:

str = str.replace('world', '');

it only removes the first occurrence of world in the above string.

How can I replace all the occurrences of it except the first one?

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karlosuccess Avatar asked Apr 24 '18 23:04


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1 Answers

You can pass a function to String#replace, where you can specify to omit replacing the first occurrence. Also make your first parameter of replace a regex to match all occurrences.


let str = 'hello world hello world hello world hello',
    i = 0;
str = str.replace(/world/g, m  => !i++ ? m : '');


You could avoid using the global counter variable i by using a IIFE:

let str = 'hello world hello world hello world hello';

str = str.replace(/world/g, (i => m => !i++ ? m : '')(0));
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Kristianmitk Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 06:09
