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Firestore query using an object element as parameter

i'm using Firestore as my database in a project and i have a table that i need to do a query inside an object

   foo: "data",
   bar: "data",
   exObject: {
      dataToQuery: "value"

here is an example of a structure where i want to do a query inside the object a query that would look like this:

dbRef.collection("Table").where("exObject.dataToQuery", "==", "value")

but this is not working.

Is there a way to query in Firestore using an object's inner value as parameter? If not, is there a way to achieve something that would give the same result?

Example of a Firestore Structure

enter image description here

like image 836
frankybboy Avatar asked Nov 07 '17 22:11


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We use the data parameter to get docPath , the value of the Firestore document path (slash-separated). This value is passed from the client calling the Cloud Function (see below). We then call the asynchronous listCollections() method on the DocumentReference created by using docPath (i.e. admin. firestore().

2 Answers

dbRef.collection("Table").where("exObject.dataToQuery", "==", "value")

this syntax i first posted is indeed the good syntax and started working eventually. I'd class the reason of my problem as a typo that i must have corrected trying a lot of different things

like image 179
frankybboy Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 02:09


Here is the answer :

.where(new firestore.FieldPath('exObject' , 'dataToQuery'), '==', "value"))

More info Here

like image 41
BorisD Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 00:09
