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Match partial objects in Chai assertions?



I am looking for the best way to match the following:

expect([     {         C1: 'xxx',         C0: 'this causes it not to match.'     } ]).to.deep.include.members([     {         C1: 'xxx'     } ]); 

The above doesn't work because C0 exists in the actual, but not the expected. In short, I want this expect to PASS, but I'm not sure how to do it without writing a bunch of custom code...

like image 251
JayPrime2012 Avatar asked Apr 09 '15 08:04


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1 Answers

chai-subset or chai-fuzzy might also perform what you're looking for.

Chai-subset should work like this:

expect([   {     C1: 'xxx',     C0: 'this causes it not to match.'   } ]).to.containSubset([{C1: 'xxx'}]); 

Personally if I don't want to include another plugin I will use the property or keys matchers that chai includes:

([   {     C1: 'xxx',     C0: 'this causes it not to match.'   } ]).forEach(obj => {   expect(obj).to.have.key('C1'); // or...   expect(obj).to.have.property('C1', 'xxx'); }); 
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thom_nic Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 03:09
