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How to test react-router with enzyme

I am using enzyme+mocha+chai to test my react-redux project. Enzyme provides shallow to test component behavior. But I didn't find a way to test the router. I am using react-router as below:

<Router history={browserHistory}>      ...         <Route path="nurse/authorization" component{NurseAuthorization}/>      ...   </Route> 

I want to test this route nurse/authorization refer to NurseAuthorization component. How to test it in reactjs project?


I am using react-router as the router framework.

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Joey Yi Zhao Avatar asked Jan 08 '17 10:01

Joey Yi Zhao

1 Answers

You can wrap your router inside a component in order to test it.


export default props => (   <Router history={browserHistory}>     ...     <Route path="nurse/authorization" component{NurseAuthorization}/>     ...   </Route> ) 


import Routes from './Routes.jsx'; ...  ReactDOM.render(<Routes />, document.getElementById('root')); 

Then you have to shallow render your Routes component, and you are able to create an object map to check the correspondance between path and related component.


import { shallow } from 'enzyme'; import { Route } from 'react-router'; import Routes from './Routes.jsx'; import NurseAuthorization from './NurseAuthorization.jsx';  it('renders correct routes', () => {   const wrapper = shallow(<Routes />);   const pathMap = wrapper.find(Route).reduce((pathMap, route) => {     const routeProps = route.props();     pathMap[routeProps.path] = routeProps.component;     return pathMap;   }, {});   // { 'nurse/authorization' : NurseAuthorization, ... }    expect(pathMap['nurse/authorization']).toBe(NurseAuthorization); }); 


In case you want to additionally handle the case of render props:

const pathMap = wrapper.find(Route).reduce((pathMap, route) => {   const routeProps = route.props();   if (routeProps.component) {     pathMap[routeProps.path] = routeProps.component;   } else if (routeProps.render) {     pathMap[routeProps.path] = routeProps.render({}).type;   }   return pathMap; }, {}); 

It will work only in case you render directly the component you want to test (without extra wrapper).

<Route path="nurse/authorization" render{() => <NurseAuthorization />}/> 
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Freez Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 18:09
