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Mass In App Purchase through application loader

i was uploading my apps on itunes connect. For in app purchase i am using mass import template for uploading IAP but now i am getting error

ERROR ITMS-5103: "Default product interval not supplied (in-app purchase with product_id='com.mclegacy.megacasino3.combo3'). For a new in-app-purchase, a default product interval must be supplied: no start date (or start date of today or earlier) and no end date." at Software/Soft

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Zagham Arshad Avatar asked Sep 20 '14 04:09

Zagham Arshad

2 Answers

enter image description here This error is mainly due to the mismatch of time provided in Price effective date with US Time. So This error can be solved by waiting till US time and "Price Effective date" mathches. So Either Provide US date/time as Price Effective date or wait for given Price Effective date reaches US date.

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Sudhin Davis Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 18:11

Sudhin Davis

I kept getting this error no matter what dates I entered. Finally read the docs and tried:

Price Tier Effective Date: Now

Price Tier End Date: None

And all my products uploaded successfully.

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sponrad Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 17:11
