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mask all digits except first 6 and last 4 digits of a string( length varies )


I have a card number as a string, for example:

string  ClsCommon.str_CardNumbe r = "3456123434561234"; 

The length of this card number can vary from 16 to 19 digits, depending on the requirement.

My requirement is that I have to show the first six digits and the last 4 digits of a card number and mask the other characters in between with the character 'X'.

I have tried using subString and implemented it separately for 16,17,18,19 digits..

I split string(ClsCommon.str_CardNumber) to 5 strings (str_cardNum1, str_cardNum2, str_cardNum3, str_cardNum4, str_cardNum5 - 4 digits for each string..remaining digits for 5th string)

All the strings are placed in ClsCommon file. Based on that I implemented the below, which works perfectly:

if (ClsCommon.str_CardNumber.Length == 16) {     txtmskcrdnum.Text = string.Concat(ClsCommon.str_cardNum1, " ", ClsCommon.str_cardNum2.Substring(0, 2), "XX", " ", "XXXX", " ", ClsCommon.str_cardNum4);  } if (ClsCommon.str_CardNumber.Length == 17) {     txtmskcrdnum.Text = string.Concat(ClsCommon.str_cardNum1, " ", ClsCommon.str_cardNum2.Substring(0, 2), "XX", " ", "XXXX", " ", "X", ClsCommon.str_cardNum4.Substring(1, 3), " ", ClsCommon.str_cardNum5); } if (ClsCommon.str_CardNumber.Length == 18) {     txtmskcrdnum.Text = string.Concat(ClsCommon.str_cardNum1, " ", ClsCommon.str_cardNum2.Substring(0, 2), "XX", " ", "XXXX", " ", "XX", ClsCommon.str_cardNum4.Substring(2, 2), " ", ClsCommon.str_cardNum5); }   if (ClsCommon.str_CardNumber.Length == 19) {     txtmskcrdnum.Text = string.Concat(ClsCommon.str_cardNum1, " ", ClsCommon.str_cardNum2.Substring(0, 2), "XX", " ", "XXXX", " ", "XXX", ClsCommon.str_cardNum4.Substring(3, 1), " ", ClsCommon.str_cardNum5); } txtmskcrdnum.Text = ClsCommon.str_CardNumber.PadLeft(ClsCommon.str_CardNumber.Length, 'X').Substring(ClsCommon.str_CardNumber.Length - 4); 

For multiple lengths, the above approach is not useful.

I want a single approach which displays the first 6 and last 4 digits and masks other digits with X. The final string should have a space between every 4 digits.

like image 359
Kartiikeya Avatar asked Jun 23 '15 10:06


People also ask

How do you mask a string?

If you want to mask all characters with another character in one fell swoop you can use the String#replaceAll(String regex, String replacement) method: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/lang/String.html#replaceAll(java.lang.String,%20java.lang.String).

What is masked digit?

The first four digits of the credit card number are copied from the source to the output and the rest of the digits are masked. This type of masking is repeatable for data from the same source, regardless of the order. Use 4 issuer digits.

2 Answers

This will work with any card number length:

var cardNumber = "3456123434561234";  var firstDigits = cardNumber.Substring(0, 6); var lastDigits = cardNumber.Substring(cardNumber.Length - 4, 4);  var requiredMask = new String('X', cardNumber.Length - firstDigits.Length - lastDigits.Length);  var maskedString = string.Concat(firstDigits, requiredMask, lastDigits); var maskedCardNumberWithSpaces = Regex.Replace(maskedString, ".{4}", "$0 "); 
like image 53
Yannick Meeus Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 09:09

Yannick Meeus

Try this one. Simple and straight forward.

public static class StringExtensions {     public static string Masked(this string source, int start, int count)     {         return source.Masked('x', start, count);     }      public static string Masked(this string source, char maskValue, int start, int count)     {         var firstPart = source.Substring(0, start);         var lastPart = source.Substring(start + count);         var middlePart = new string(maskValue, count);          return firstPart + middlePart + lastPart;     } } 
like image 26
jmvtrinidad Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 09:09
