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Mashalling in Ruby 2.2.0 slower than 2.1.5

I have a complex object, my_object, which I marshal with


I have benchmarked the performance of calling that line 100 times in both 2.1.5p273 and 2.2.0, and below are the results:

                  user     system      total        real
Marshal Dump  7.310000   0.120000   7.430000 (  8.988470)
Marshal Dump  7.520000   0.050000   7.570000 (  8.210356)
Marshal Dump  7.610000   0.050000   7.660000 (  8.432685)

                  user     system      total        real
Marshal Dump 26.480000   0.150000  26.630000 ( 29.591742)
Marshal Dump 24.100000   0.300000  24.400000 ( 28.520397)
Marshal Dump 26.210000   0.210000  26.420000 ( 29.993412)

(I ran the benchmark 3 times for each version, to be thorough.)

As you can see, it's taking in excess of 3 times as long in 2.2.0 vs 2.1.5. I zeroed in on Marshal.dump because, using the ruby-prof gem, it showed me that that was the line that was performing poorly; but I can't find a way to get the methods that Marshal.dump itself calls in the profiler.

Edit: see my answer with a minimal repro, found after much experimentation

like image 543
davej Avatar asked Jan 21 '15 00:01


2 Answers

The source location is nil.

#=> nil

This means that it is a C implemented method, and there is no more Ruby code that you can trace. In other words, it is an atomic/elementary method.

If you believe your result is valid, then I suggest you to post that as a bug in Ruby trunk. Several performance issues have indeed been found for the newest versions of Ruby, so your case does not seem unusual.

like image 147
sawa Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 07:10


It's marshalling floats that causes the slowdown.

require 'benchmark'

class ToBeMarshaled

  def initialize n
    @a = []
    n.times do |i|
      @a << i.to_f


tbm = ToBeMarshaled.new(10000)

n = 100

Benchmark.bm do |x|
  x.report("Marshal Dump") {for i in 1..n; Marshal.dump(tbm); end}

results (ran benchmark 3 times for each Ruby version):

                  user     system      total        real
Marshal Dump  0.640000   0.010000   0.650000 (  0.744080)
Marshal Dump  0.670000   0.000000   0.670000 (  0.758597)
Marshal Dump  0.650000   0.020000   0.670000 (  0.747583)

                  user     system      total        real
Marshal Dump 25.070000   0.220000  25.290000 ( 27.980023)
Marshal Dump 24.100000   0.160000  24.260000 ( 26.633049)
Marshal Dump 24.440000   0.230000  24.670000 ( 27.540826)

~35 times slower.

If you take the ".to_f" off of that code, you get:

                  user     system      total        real
Marshal Dump  0.160000   0.000000   0.160000 (  0.180247)
Marshal Dump  0.180000   0.000000   0.180000 (  0.189485)
Marshal Dump  0.160000   0.010000   0.170000 (  0.191304)

                  user     system      total        real
Marshal Dump  0.120000   0.010000   0.130000 (  0.146710)
Marshal Dump  0.130000   0.010000   0.140000 (  0.159851)
Marshal Dump  0.130000   0.000000   0.130000 (  0.143917)

2.2.0 slightly edges out 2.1.5.

like image 21
davej Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 06:10
