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Map JSON to array of my model - ObjectMapper

I am having the trouble in mapping json to my objects array with ObjectMapper. Here is my model object.

class Participant : Mappable {

var user_global_id: String!
var user_app_id: String!


required init?(_ map: Map) {

// Mappable
func mapping(map: Map) {
    user_global_id    <- map["user_global_id"]
    user_app_id    <- map["user_app_id"]

And my json looks: "[{\"user_global_id\":5093363330056192,\"user_app_id\":11}]"

I am calling ObjectMapper:

let participants = Mapper<[Participant]>().map(json["registeredParticipants"])

Above line gives error: Type '[Participant]' does not conform to protocol 'Mappable'

like image 530
Shalva Avanashvili Avatar asked Jun 16 '16 10:06

Shalva Avanashvili

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1 Answers

The main mistake is in passing the array as generic attribute. Here is the solution

like image 94
Shalva Avanashvili Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 22:09

Shalva Avanashvili